Author's Note :)

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Hey, guys! Don't worry, this is a gooder (gooder, better? ok.)

This is a better author's note. :)

So. A bunch of tests are starting to come, and I need to keep up my 86 overall average.

I might not be able to upload as much, so I'll set 1-3 days that I'll upload. :)

I'll most likely upload on Wendsdays and Saturdays.

Monday and Sunday are my homework days, and Fridays I have some stuff going on. :P

Which means you might have a chapter tmr! YAYYY!!! =]

And in the meantime, check out 2 of my new fanfics!

I'm trying to write a horror/scifi/fanfic called Dropping Like Flies, and Ima end it on December the 31st, if you read the prologue, you'll understand. Kind of. xP


Once upon a time, I had another story dream.

I woke up, and tapped away at my laptop.

The fanfic?

Indigo! :)

Since I just found out that Drew was apparently only Wes and Keaton's friend, this story would work! :] Lemme give you a little summary, this is half of the prologue:


"Keat, don't worry. I can stay in Sequim, I need to finish my academics. It's fine." I said, ruffling his hair.

"B-but you're literally the other half of me, genetically sp-"

"See, you've been hanging around me too much. I'm supposed to be the smart one, you're supposed to be the dumb one!." I said, laughing, loosening him up.

"Coming from the smart blonde with acne, braces, and glasses." He muttered, slinging his guitar over his arm.

"I'll miss you Keaton. It's for the best. Go, I heard Cali's awesome. Play your music with Wes and Drew on the Beach, then try out for X Factor or something." Keaton surged foreward, and gave me a tight hug.

"I'm gunna miss you too, Ryder." he mumbled, starting to cry.

"Little Mr.Waterworks, other side, Wes already soaked my shoulder." I chuckled nervously.

After some more hugging, they were ready to go.

"Don't worry, twinner, I'll keep your secret." Called Keaton, as Mom screamed at him to keep his head inside the window. I looked at him curiously. He made a heart with his hands, as my eyes widened.


How do you turn off twin telepathy?"

Quick trailer that I made on the side. :]

Hope you like it, and read what I have so far!

Oh, and another thing.

Critisize, critisize, critisize. I need the feedback. Don't feel bad or feel as if you're being mean, if I hadn't gotten the critisism a few chapters back, this would still be a huge confusing mess!

Love you all! :)



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