Chapter 6- I Agree To All Terms And Conditions.

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*Keaton's POV*

I blew it. But I might still have a chance. I ran upstairs, to where the mini crowd of people was. They parted like the red sea, letting me through. I knocked on the door. "Lauren? Could you open the door? Please?" I asked. All was silent, except for the sound of soft footsteps padding around on the carpet. My phone then buzzed. It was a text from Preston. "Climb through the balcony from my room."

What? "What is this, High School Musical?" I replied.

"Go get her." I walked to Preston's OCD'd room, and opened the sliding door. The balconies shaired a rail. I hopped over, walked to Lauren's door, and tapped on the glass. She turned around, and her eyes widened. I breathed onto the glass, and started writing on the window with my finger. She looked at me curiously, and walked to the door, the glass seperating us.

"I'm sorry, that came out wrong....TBH, I'm kind of sort of maybe scared of commitment. :S"

She gave me a sad smile, then breathed on her side of the glass.

"I understand....How many dates, though? I'm gone at the end of August. :'( "

"I'm ready now. I mean it." I doodled half a heart next to my response. I heard her light giggle, and she drew the other half of the heart. I took a picture of it. She laughed a bit, and wrote: Lauren Grace Newton, Property of Keaton Robert Stromberg. <3 :)

"Can I come in now? I'm cold. :(" I wrote. She got up, and opened the door. I walked in, embracing the warmth.

"OK, I need to talk to you about something." I said, sitting down on one of two beanbag chairs. She sat on the one next to me.

"I've been thinking of auditioning for the X factor with Drew and Wesley." I breathed out.

"That's awesome! This could be your big break, your rise to stardom!" She rambled on and on about the positives, until I asked the question that I had in the back of my mind this whole time.

"What'll happen to us?" I blurted out, bracing myself for the speech. That never came.

"We'll make it work." She said, walking into a closet, and coming back out with a binder with lined paper, and a pen. She started writing. "Terms and Conditons." I got the idea, and started off the list.

"1. No cheating.

2. Make this work.

3. Skype, facebook, tweet, DM whenever we can." I said, pulling her close.

About 2 hours later, we had filled the whole page, double-sided. We both signed it, and classically, sealed the promise with a kiss.





*Lauren's POV*

"When I look into your eyes, it's like seeing the sunr-" I walked to the back room to answer my cell. "Hello?"

"Lauren. Lauren. Lauren."

"That's me, Keaton, what's up?" I answered.

"Guess what?" He asked excitedly.

"Other than the fact that I'm supposed to be helping Preston make about 6 Frapps, What?" I asked. Preston was rapidly serving up the Frapps, and taking orders, flustered.

"We made it into the top 24!!!!!" He yelled. I let out a little squeal.

"Keaton, that's amazing! I gotta go, I'm SO proud of you, love you!"

"Love you too, babe."

I put my phone back into my bag, and went back to making frapps and Tazos, grinning like a retard.

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