Chapter 32- Back To Love?

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*Wes' POV*

"Wes! Wake up!" I opened my eyes, to see Drew shaking me.

"What?" I asked.

"Lauren might still be alive!" Hurry!" He said, dragging me back to the stage, then quickly digging away at a certain spot. He paused for a moment, and I swore I heard him say "I knew it."

"There's a body here! There's still some arm and leg movement, and she's breathing." Called Drew, as the paramedics came. I heard footsteps, and turned around, to find the biggest surprise of my life.

Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Eleanor, Danielle, Greg, and Dan. Why Dan and Greg are here, I have no idea.

"We were too late." Whispered Dan, watching the body, and dropping a bouquet of roses on the ground. A note fell out, and Drew stepped towards it. "May I?" He asked. Dan nodded. Drew skimmed over the note's contents as the medics put the body on a stretcher, and into the ambulance.

"We have to tell the others!" Said Drew

"We'll ride with her. You guys follow us." He said.

"No. I have a better idea. Don't worry." I said. It would probably be best for one of them to ride with her.

"Dan, Greg, hop in. Zayn, Harry, Liam, Danielle, Louis, and Eleanor, follow Drew and I's car." I said, getting my car keys out of my pocket.

*Greg's POV*

I helped Dan into the back of the Ambulance. He was positively shaking. We sat down on either side of the stretcher, as the medic took out a pocket flashlight, and flashed at Lauren's eye. Immediately, she shot up, awake.

"HOLY CRAP, IF HEAVEN'S THAT BRIGHT, I SURE AIN'T STAYING HERE!" She yelled. Her surprise was forgotten for a moment, as she held her head and groaned, her other arm leaning against my chest. She cautiously looked towards me.

There she goes. The medic, sighed, and took out his iPhone. He played an alarm noise, and Lauren woke back up. She looked around, and her gaze settled on Dan.

"Dan, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I feel so special, Lauren." I muttered sarcastically. She turned to face me. "Oh, hi, Greg!" She said, grinning.

"How can you be so normal after what just happened?" I asked.

"I dunno, but I'm alive and well, so it's all good." She said.

"You do know that your family thinks you're dead, right?" Asked the medic. Lauren narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"They found a dead body that looked like you a while ago. It's a miracle you weren't crushed." I added, helping the medic open the door, and carry her stretcher off. I glanced at Dan, who had been pretty silent. He was just staring straight ahead, eyes glassy.

"Greg, Dan, I feel awkward. Can you guys sing to me like in that episode of Grey's Anatomy?" Asked Lauren. I chuckled, and nodded. She sat up straighter on her stretcher.

"Isn't she lovely?

Isn't she wonderful?

Isn't she precious-"

"Not a good idea at the moment, Mr. West, since we're about to pass the birth hallway, and you might piss off some mothers who're currently in labour" Said the medic.


I shot Dan a look, and he nodded.

"Why, this car is automatic,

It's systematic,


"HYYYYDROMATIC." We said, cracking up. A whimper escaped from Dan, as an old lady glared sourly at him. Lauren then broke the silence with the least expected song coming from a stereotypical white girl.

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