Chapter 23-PainCakes.

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*Lauren's POV*



"Damn it, Drew, the sugar goes into the baking soda, not the eggs and flour!"

"It dosen't sound right..."

"It's the thought that counts, now shut up, they'll wake up!"

I groggily opened my eyes, and lifted Keaton's pillow up, taking his phone, and checking the time. 10:30 am. Eh, I'll sleep for maybe another 30 minutes. I set an alarm for 11.





"Lauren, make it stop! I lost my phone!" Said Keaton, shaking me awake, panicked.

"Keaton, it's under your pillow." I said, snuggling into my pillow.

"Oh. Ok. Lauren WAKE UP!" He said, jumping around. I reluctantly got up, and smelled the sweet smell of breakfast. I quickly brushed my teeth, and took a shower, then waited for Keaton. Once he stepped out of the bathroom, I dragged him down the stairs. We ran into the kitchen, to see Wes and Drew, standing quietly at the stove, flipping pancakes.

"This smells so good!" I said, hugging both of them.

"We wanted to say sorry for disrupting your sleep patterns, and we'll pay for therapy if little Keats needs it." Said Drew, trying not to laugh.

"Drew, that wasn't funny, it scared the shit out of me." Said Wes, punching him. "Pancakes on the table" He said, grinning. Keaton and I sat down at the table, looking at the stack of pancakes.

"JEREMY, PRESTON, PANCAKES!" Hollered Drew, making me wince.

Keaton and I both took a pancake. I cut a piece of it, and chewed it. Not bad...but...

"Wes, what fruit did you put in these?" I asked. Wes turned around. "We didn-"

"We put bananas, strawberries and pineapple in it." Interrupted Drew. That explains the acidity of it. And the mushiness. And the chunks.

With the help of Preston and Jeremy, we finished the pancakes. They had quite a...unique texture and taste to them, but that's ok.

Although it was December, we went out for some surfing. Perks of being in Cali. Besides, the beach was deserted. Might as well use it.

About an hour in, I felt my stomach churning. I shook my head, paddled to shore sprinted home, and ran into the washroom, puking my guts out. I used some mouthwash, but still felt dizzy, so I just sat in bed, playing Minecraft on my laptop. About a few minutes later, I saw Jeremy, Preston, and Keaton do the same. (Minus the Minecraft) What was going on?

"Keaton, don't come near the bed, I'm contagious." I mumbled, attacking a skeleton.

"I don't care, everybody who ate the pancakes is." He said, climbing in, and pulling the covers over his head.

"How many did you eat?" Asked Keaton.

"Only 5, I got suspicious, why?" I asked. I thought back to the boys wolfing down the pancakes. "Oh no. Keaton. How many..." I asked, worried.

"Fifteen." He whispered. He suddenly jumped up, and ran back to the washroom. Shit. I called the hospital.

"Yeah, I think my brother, my boyfriend, and my friend got food poisoning, could we get some medics here?"

"On our way, Miss Newton." Keaton came out, and I ran past him. Ugh, this feels nasty. In no time, I heard sirens, and voices.

"Mr. Stromberg, you'll be contained for food poisoning, is Ms. Newton here?"

"Yeah, she's in the washroom."

"Crew, we'll need another truck!" I cleaned up, and within 5 minutes, I found myself on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance truck.

"What did you guys eat?" Asked the paramedic sitting with me.

"Wes and Drew made pancakes." I said, weakly. She laughed, as I pouted. "He said they were bananas, strawberries, and pineapples." I said, sighing.

"This is why there aren't many male breakfast chefs. “She said, as the truck stopped. I saw the doors open, as we got rolled into the hospital. My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I picked up.


"Lauren, where are you guys, you forgot your boards, and there were Ambulances leaving the house! Are you ok?" Asked Drew.

"Drew. Tell me right now, what did you put into the pancakes?"

Milk, eggs, fl-"

"Drew! We just got back from L.A; do you think we did grocery shopping?" I asked, frustrated.

"They said 1/12/12!"

"Drew. That would either be January the 12th this year, or December the First." I said, gritting my teeth.


"What did you think it said?" I asked.

"Well, y'know, I only looked at the first 2 numbers..."

"You thought it was next January, didn't you?" I asked, sighing.

"Yeah. Look, where are you? We locked your boards in the shed."

"We're in the hospital for food poisoning, now get your asses over here, Mr. Legal Guardians, I'm hooked up to machines that I don't know how to spell or pronounce." I said, hanging up. My phone buzzed almost nonstop from texts.

"From: Brooke Stromberg

Heard about yesterday, DON'T EAT THEM!!!!!!"

"From: Keaton Stromberg

My tummy hurts. :("

"From: Will Stromberg

We heard about the Lego incident, Laraine forgot to tell you not to eat their apology pancakes...have you eaten any yet?"

"From: Jeremy King

I ate 20 of those damn things... -.-"

"From: Preston Newton

Shouldn't of had an eating contest with Jeremy...I ate 10 of them, looks like they weren't joking when they said they were making 50. x("

I'm gunna kill those two.

"To: Brooke Stromberg, Will Stromberg:

Too late, we're in the hospital for food poisoning. :/"

"To:Keaton Stromberg:

Aww, feel better. ;( If it makes you feel any better, Jeremy ate 20."

"To: Jeremy King, Preston Newton:

Sucks to be you." I opened the twitter app, and tweeted some for the fans.

"Guys, Jer, Preston, Keats and I are at the hospital ATM. We'll probably be fine within the week, but have an awesome New Years eve! :)" I put my phone away, just as 4/5 of the Stromberg family and Drew walked into the room. One particular Stromberg was looking very sorry.

"How's everybody's day so far? I asked, weakly.

"Well, two certain boys are banned from the kitchen from this moment on." said Laraine, looking sternly at the two.

"Strawberries, Bananas and Pineapples." Muttered Will.

Three fruits that I'll never touch again.

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