Chapter 23-Roots Before Branches

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*Lauren's POV*

Hello, world. I am on a plane.

Back to Toronto.

Let me explain.


I sliced open the letter, and took it out of its envelope, reading it. Eh, shoulda expected it.

"Hey, Jeremy, Preston, did you give anyone back home our adress?" I called.

"Nope, but I'm coming downstairs!" Called Preston. I sunk into my couch. Wesley peered up from his phone. "You ok?" He asked. Drew popped his head into the room, watching.

"Totally. I'm going home." I said. Jeremy and Preson came downstirs, and I gave them their envelopes.

It was about half a month after the pancakes incident.

A week after Keaton and I's fight.

To begin with, one of our Emblems almost DIED because some girl's fandom decided to tell her(the emblem) to go die.

That girl with the fandom happend to be one of my close friends. And who called me in an emotional wreck in the middle of the night to tell me that Keaton was flirting with her the entire time at the party.Or, should I say, "Solo recording tracks".

Well, think of the devil, because Keaton just walked through the door.

"Hey, guys, what's up? Looks like someone just died." He said. Wrong wording, buddy. We all snapped our heads up to glare at him.

"Jeremy, Preston, go pack. The flight's at 3 in the morning tomorrow." I said.

"You're overracting, Lauren."

"My best California friend hysterically called me in the middle of the night to say that you flirted with her the whole night at the party, what am I supposed to do? You said you were recording some solo tracks."

"How do you even know Acacia?"

"We've been friends before I even met you! I surfed with ehr every time I came here in the sumer, that's how you build a friendship."

"It's over. That's how you end a relationship." Said Keaton, barely above a whisper. It was like time froze. Wes and Drew held their breath, waiting for me to object.

"You ruined a long-term friendship and a relationship within a week. Good job, hotshot." I said, walking past him, my shoulder brushing his.

I walked into his room, and left the letter on his desk.

Oh yeah, I also deleted our song from my music playlist.

"@KshaClark I was a game to him. You win, but be careful."

*Flashback Over*

I looked at the picture of the letter on my phone. I could still make out the majority of the words.

"Dear Lauren Newton,

You have been invited to perform at Kim Campbell High,St. Anthony's Catholic Elementary School, and St. Francis of Assisi Elementary School's annual Allumini Concert.

In addition to that, you are still under the age 18, so you have the desicion to complete your last 1.5 years of school.

We expect a immetiate response.

Much thanks."

I looked over at Jeremy and Preston, dozing off in their seats. Ohwell. Time to tweet again. I snapped a picture of them sleeping.

"Sleepyheads on the way back home! Toronto, ILYSM, see your beautiful faces in 10 minutes! x"

As if on cue, the plane landed. I woke the boys up, and we stepped off the plane. The screaming sure woke them up.



"Sorry, the eight-pack's reserved for Scarlett, and my brother's taken. That's what California does to you." I said, chuckling.

"We all heard what Keaton did to YOU!" Yelled a voice in the crowd. Even though it was faint, people still heard it.

Suddenly, it was pandemonium. Paps got closer. Security struggled with the people hungry for a glimpse of the girl whose life picture perfect got screwed up. I was thankful for my aviators hiding my eyes, which were starting to fill with tears. I felt a hand take mine, and I looked up.

"We need to go, these people are going to crush you, or someone's going to get hurt trying." He said. We got through to the waiting limo, and I let the tears flow. It was almost always the same person that was there through all this Keaton drama.

"He did it again, didn't he?" Asked Tiff. I nodded, as Britt gave me a sympathetic look.

"Well, at least you have him. He has a thing for you, and he's hot." Said Britt.

"But he's like, my best friend since the beginning of Toronto!" I said.

"Well, you used to like him. Maybe that part of you'll come back. Now shut up, he's almost finished putting the bags into the trunk." She said, going back to her phone.


I had a much better chapter, but Wattpad shut down on me... -.-

But anyways. Back to the story.

Everything was too perfect, I had to throw a wrench in there...

Who do you think "he" is? Comment who you think it is. :)

Will I tell you? Maybe maybe not... ;)

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