𝐎𝐍𝐄 || 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮?

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~10 Years Later~

"Hey, River, do you have my Epod?" Adam asks, angrily looking around the lab.

"No," I answer truthfully, but I do know where it is, I saw Bree take it earlier.

"Give me my Epod!" He yells, suddenly becoming aggressive. I watch as his eyes turn red and I know what's coming, so I quickly move my hand up, manipulating some metal from my outfit protecting me from Adams lasers.

"Adam! I don't have your Epod." I argue, moving my hand down and making the metal move back to my mission suit.

"Oh ok." He says, relaxing. I roll my eyes before going back to my drawing then hearing the door opening and glancing up to see Chase.

"So, then you must have taken it." Adam accuses Chase.

"Taken what?" Chase asks, confused. I put my stuff down to watch the show about to begin.

Soon enough Chase is running around, and Adam is firing his lasers and throwing things at him, and I'm just watching laughing hysterically. No matter how many times they fight it is always funny.

Chase runs through the doors and closes them behind him before Adam can get through. "Good luck getting in. That steal door is thicker than your head." Chase shouts through the metal door. I can't see him, but I know he is grinning on the other side.

Adam glances at me before punching the door making a giant dent in it. Instead of wasting his energy continuing to punch and break the doors open he looks at me.

"River, would you." He gestures to the steal door and a mischievous grin spreads across my face as I walk up to Adam.

"Of course." I smirk as he takes a few steps backwards. I face my hands out to the door and with all my strength I manipulate the doors off the frame and let them fall to the ground. I grin as Adam walks up to Chase.

"Or there is another way to get in." Chase remarks, backing away slowly. Adam grabs Chase by the back of his mission suit and picks him up into the air. I giggle at the sight. Poor Chase has always been the small one that everyone picks on.

"Give me back my Epod!"

"I don't have it!" Chase kicks his legs trying to get out of our brother's grasp. Bree walks in with Adams Epod in hand listening to music.

"Hey." She smiles to me whilst Adam gasps.

"You took my Epod." He exclaims, dropping Chase onto the floor. I giggle again before going to help him up.

"Taylor Swift Mega mix? Really?"

"I find her soothing." Bree turns around about to walk away when Adam fires a laser at her barely missing her. She turns around shook.

"Oh, I know you didn't shoot those lasers at me." She sasses.

"Oh, sorry that was a terrible mistake just like your face." Adam retorts. Bree super speeds towards Adam pushing him into the yellow barrels behind him.

We scream seeing a young boy about the same age as me hiding in the barrels, then he screams, then we all scream. He runs down the lab, but his path is blocked by a counter.

"Ok I don't play this card too often but MUM!!!" He screams before running to a lady who enters the lab with Mr. Davenport.

"Leo, there you are." She says embracing him in a hug.

"What is this place?" she asks Mr. Davenport looking around the lab still holding onto the boy.

"Who are they?" She demands pointing to us. I stand next to Chase anxiously.

"They... uh ... are ... uh... a boy band I've been working with um and the twist is one of them is a girl." And I'm non-binary I think sassily, wanting to say something but being too shy to say anything but Chase reads my mind.

"And one of them is non-binary." Chase says pointing to me. I blush slightly, looking down at my feet.

"Ok their part of a secret project I've been developing, genetically engineered superhuman siblings." He grins trying to hold in his excitement.

"Plus, River, He is adopted." He adds.

"Tasha, Leo, meet Adam, Bree, Chase and River the greatest combination of biology and technology ever developed. I don't want to brag, but I am incredibly smart." I roll my eyes at the last sentence.

Tasha looks to Leo. "Don't look at me-- I told you to stay away from Internet dating."

"So, they're robots." Tasha questions.



"Rude" I exclaim offended.

"Oh no she didn't" Bree sasses glaring at Tasha.

"No, Tasha, they're human, I've just given each of them a unique set of bionic abilities controlled by a microchip implant in their necks. It sounds a lot more complicated than it is." He gestures to each of us.

"See Adam is all brute strength, and Bree has speed and agility, Chase has super senses and a superior intelligence and River can manipulate Metal, Electricity and Water."

Tasha walks past us nervously laughing. "Donald ...hehe hi... There are children living in our basement!" she scolds him.

"This is a scientific habitat. I mean, look at it-- It is got a game room and a rock wall-- Anything a kid could ask for. I've created this place so they can train in the utmost of comfort and technology."

"It's true. The toilets have seat-warmers that talk." Adam chimes in, smiling happily.

"What do they say?" Leo asks, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion.

"It varies, depending on- " Adam starts, before being quickly cut off by Leo and I am glad he did, I did not need to hear about that. Leo shakes his head in disgust walking away from Adam a little bit.

"Donald, I don't know what to make of all this. Some new wives get surprised with a honeymoon in Hawaii or... a cruise. Bionic teenagers were not on our wedding registry."

"Honey, they have to stay down here for their own safety. This is all very top-secret. But as soon as their training is complete, they'll be able to handle any crisis or problem that the world throws at them."

"I want to go the pyramids."

"I want to go to Paris."

"I want to go to Bali." I smile at the thought of the tropical beaches and the fun I would have.

"I want to go upstairs." I chuckle at Adam yeah, we all want to go upstairs. This basement sucks.

"Hey, what are those? Time machines?" Leo walks over to our 4 capsules with wide eyes.

"No, they are not time machines. Time machines are actually in the shop." He tells Tasha proudly.

"These are my biologically regulated atmospheric chambers where my bionic creations live, sleep and eat. Which reminds me, it's dinnertime."

"Yay" I celebrate with the others as we walk over to our capsules. Adam in on the left, Bree is on the right and, me and Chase are inthe middle 2 capsules. We close the doors and put our goggles on, I preparemyself for the food. Soon the pellets are flying out of the top of my capsuleand I'm taking a hand full so I can eat them.


A/N: Hey Everyone, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. This was a much shorter chapter then the others because it was a bit of an intro. The other Chapters I will write will be about 2000-4000 words. Also say hi to my little friend that will be at the end of each Chapter.




𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃 (𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚇 𝙴𝚗𝚋𝚒 𝙾𝙲)Where stories live. Discover now