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Mercedes Paxton
Dick #6

"Can you please go with me?"

"Whyyy?" I groan.

"Cause Nat can't go."

"Oh so I'm your second choice huh?"


Ashton is trying to convince me to go to some party an hour away, and I just don't wanna go. This past month has just been too much.

"No Ashton."

"C'mon. You know you need a party right now. I can feel your stress radiating all over the place."

"I don't care. I don't wanna go."

"Great! Be ready by eight. We're sneaking out."

"Bruh I just said-" I start as I sit up.

"Don't care. Casa Grande here we come!" He says as he walks out.

I sigh and lay back down when a text comes through.

grant - what are u doin tonight

me - my brother is taking me to a party

grant - out in casa grande?

me - yeah

grant - lmao that's my party i was about to ask you to come since it's been awhile since i've seen you but i know y'all live out in paradise valley

me - yeah it's far and all but a party is still a party

grant - can't wait to see you

i smile at that and leave him on delivered. I decide to take a nap before being up all night.


As I sit on the ottoman inside my closet I continue to look through it for something to wear, when Kenzie's words play into my head.

"Hookup. You guys won't see each other again until a year from now."

I shake my head and end up giving up on something cute. I just slip on some leggings an off white crew neck with my white snakeskin Jordan 1s. My door opens slowly as I put my hair in a low bun and pull out strands to frame my face better.

"You ready?" Ashton whispers.

I nod and grab my phone. We quietly head down the right staircase cause the left ones are squeaky. We head out the door and Ashton quietly closes it and locks it. We head down the street a little to where he parked the car and head on our way.

We got there in about 45 minutes cause Ashton was speeding for the most part. We pull up to this gorgeous lively house on a farm.

"Woah." I gawk at how pretty it is.

"Yeah, Grant's parents have a nice amount of money."

We park and head inside and see the house its basically filled to capacity.

"Sheesh." I mumble.

"Keep your phone on you at all times. And don't let anyone pour your drinks, but you." Ashton mumbles next to my ear so I can hear him.

I nod at him before we go our separate ways and I text Grant to see where he is. He tells me to go to the kitchen. I bite my top lip nervously and try to find the kitchen. As I try to find it I spot a very familiar head. Lincoln.

I smile and I walk toward him until I see him wrap his arms around a brunette girl's waist. I stop as I watch them dance around goofily and they stop to laugh when she leans in to kiss him. I blink ferociously as he kisses her back the same way he kissed me. I turn around and take a deep breath.

It's not that serious, Mercedes.

I find the kitchen and walk in and there Grant stands with a water bottle in his hand talking to some girl. His attention shifts to me and he flashes me a smile with his insanely white teeth. I smile back and he wraps up the conversation with the girl. She walks past me and gives me a smile and I smile back. I walk up to Grant and he gives me a hug and I'm engulfed in a smell of Lavender laundry soap.

"You look good." He says as we pull away form the hug.

I feel my face heat up as his deep voice fills my ears. "Thank you."

"What do you want to drink?"

"Uh water is fine." I say and reaches a single hand into the cooler and hands me a cold water bottle.

We head to a couch and talk for about an hour with people coming up to us now and then and he puts him arm around me. And that's when I hear Kenzie's voice in my head again.

I mean it has been a while... well not really but it's been long enough. I take a deep breath before leaning my head back on his arm and turning my head slightly to lightly kiss his jaw. He turns his head toward me and his eyes meet mine. He smiles before leaning in and kissing me. I kiss him back and as soon I start to get into it, he pulls away and grabs my hand. We walk through the crowd of drunk people and up the stairs.

As soon as we hit his room, his lips are on mine and purple lights come on. He softly presses me against the door and lifts me up. I wrap my arms around his neck. His lips move to my neck and my fingers tangle in his hair. He moves me from against the door and he lays me on the bed.

"You sure?" He breaks our kiss.

"Yes." I breath out.


He places a small kiss on the vein on my neck and I play with his hair. That's how an orgasm feels? Fucking finally.

"You're something else." He chuckles and I laugh.

I lightly kiss his neck before trying to get up but he holds me in place. "Mmm I gotta check my phone." I chuckle.

"That means round two." He says flipping us
so he's hovering over me.

I laugh as he plants kisses all over my neck. He finally lets me get up and I check my phone.

big brober😎 - Natalia told me to come over she lives out here did you wanna come?

me - no you have fun

big brober😎 - okay i'll be back at 5 be ready so we can get back home in time

me - kk

I look up at Grant. "C'mere."


anyways, what y'all thoughts right now?👀

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