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Mercedes Paxton

A couple of days go by and me and Lincoln aren't talking as much anymore. As I walk into Human Geo and take my usual seat, Lincoln walks in after me. I smile at him and he gives me one of the phoniest smiles ever. I feel my heart drop a bit and look back down at my phone.

Fuck Fuck Fuck. Chill out. He's probably just in a bad mood.

The bell rings for class to end and I nearly bungee out of my seat. The awkwardness was way worse today. I'm still trying to figure out where things went wrong. I try to push it far from my mind as I continue with the rest of my day.

The end of the day rolls around very slowly and I spot Lincoln walk outside. I close my locker and walk after him.

"Carrington." I say and tap his shoulder.

"What's up Mercedes." He says turning.

I try not to react at the fact that he didn't call me by my last name and continue.

"Are we, like, good?"

He looks at me like I just asked the dumbest question ever. "I don't know, you tell me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He steps closer to me and I back up and cross my arms.

"Look. I know it's not my place to tell you who you can't and can't fuck-"

"You are absolutely right. It's not."

"-but I'm not going to keep letting you lead me on thinking we're gonna do it, and then stopping at the last minute, just for you to fuck another dude. If you aren't comfortable with doing it with me then just say that. Cause I got girls lined up, ight?" I cringe at how much that sounds like Jonah and Riley.

"Lincoln baby, I'm not comfortable with fucking you. Not now. Not ever. You're a whore, a slut, a sperm donor, if you will. You will never get access to me. Ever again," I tilt my head to the side as I watch his face drop. "Now that that's over with, I'll see you at practice tomorrow."

I pat his shoulder and walk past him, but I turn around again. "And tell that pretty brunette girl that her blue top was really cute." I turn back around and walk to Ashton's car.

"What took so long?"

"Nothing." I say looking down.

He looks for a long tome but lets it go. We drive home and as soon as we get home I go straight to my room. I lick the door and toss all my shit on the floor and strip. I get under my covers and look up at the ceiling.

I'm not not even sad, I'm just really confused and having major senses of deja vu.

February of 2020 : Sophomore Year

"Riley, I said no! Are you fucking stupid?"

"It's not that serious."

"Yeah it is. Stop asking me to fuck you or we're through."

"You know what, you can leave me baby. Cause I got girls lined up for miles to ride my face."

I stand there shocked for a second. I grab my jacket and put on my Crocs. "I'm done."

I slam his door, speed down the stairs, and slam the front door. I call Ashton, sobbing and he hangs up to come and pick me up.

I wait on the dark corner for no longer than 5 minutes before I see Ashton's bright lights.

Fucked him once and then he would harass me, like he has no self control. He apologized for that a couple of months ago but I'll never forgot the feeling of never being good enough in a relationship. Glad he's fixed himself though.

I sigh and decide to just take a nap. Naps fix everything, at least temporarily.


"Oh my god. Mercedes is stressing over a dude. I never thought the day would come." Blair pretends to wipe tears away.

"I'm not stressing over a guy who's trying gaslight and guilt trip me into fucking him. Isn't he the womanizer?" I roll my eyes as Blair and Tiffany exchange looks.

"Look all I'm saying is-"

"Can we just change the subject? How's volleyball? How's the boys."

"Volleyball is good." Tiffany rushes out.

"Carter is good." Blair rushes out too. "Now back to subject at hand."

"What's up with Grant?"

"We still talk everyday. He's so smart and nerdy and it's so cute. I thought this was going to be a fuck buddy type deal but he's actually super dope. And dick game is... astronomical."

"So what I'm hearing is you finally came! Woohoo cheers to Grant! I would've gave that man the sloppiest top if he was the first guy to make me cum." Tiffany says and I raise my eyebrows and pucker my lips. "You ain't give that man top?! Girl he deserves that honor."

"I don't know... he may be a god in my eyes and all but does he deserve a good gawk gawk 3000?" I sit back and think. "Yeah. Yeah he does. Plus it's not like I have Lincoln's feelings to consider."

"It's not like they were being considered anyway." Blair laughs.

"True." I join in with laughing.

I miss talking to them all the time, we talk about the dumbest shit possible. Even though we haven't talked in a few weeks, we just picked back up where we left off. I pay the bill and we all go out separate ways. I check my phone once I get home and see I have a text from Lincoln.

lincoln - we should hang out, i don't like where we left things today.

me - are you gonna gaslight me to fuck you afterwards?

lincoln - im sorry.

me - it's cool. can we just do it tomorrow after practice? we can grab subway or sum

lincoln - okay i'll see you

me - mhm see you tmr mr.manipulator🥰

He leaves me on read and I smile at the accomplishment. He's not going to get me to forgive and forget that easy, but since he's cute it might be a little easier. Just a little bit.

I take a quick shower before scrolling on TikTok and eating snacks for the next two hours.

end of chapter;

sorry for the slower updates lately, i'm seriously trying to get this new book going cause it has a lot more dedication and effort than my other three stories and i want them to be perfect and not flop🌚 & can someone tell me why i always update from 1-5 in the morning..?maybe i should try updating at a regular time for the next chapter... i prob won't though. anyway.


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