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Barbara opened her heavy eyelids and found her body laying on its side facing the dark interior of the basement. She rolled over onto her back and nearly blacked out again because of the pain that rushed through her body, but especially in her right arm. Looking up at the hole their bodies had created, she thought she saw the face of a person with green hair and a happy expression (and wearing 3D movie glasses for some reason). She closed her eyes and when she opened them again the face was gone.

She tried to sit up but as soon as she put pressure on her right arm, she collapsed back down again and blinked the spots out of her vision. Barbara turned her head to her left and saw Adam laying on his back, a nasty cut on his head oozing blood. His phone was laying a few feet away, bless him for having it on him. Barbara quickly moved her left arm to grab it and unlocked it quickly, feeling herself slipping away again. Quickly she found her mother's contact and called it.

"Hello Adam" came her mother's voice

"Mum" Barbara croaked

"Barb? Hi sweetie" her mum seemed to sense something was wrong "whats up?"

"You need to come over" said Barbara "Ad and I... floor collapsed... I think I've done something pretty bad to my arm and he's not awake"

"Oh god" she heard her mother rushing around on the other end of the phone "I'm coming over right now sweetheart, try to stay calm and conscious ok?"

"It's hard" said Barbara, she glanced over at her husband again

"I know it is sweetheart" said her mum "but you have to ok? Do it for me sweetheart"

"I... I don't know if I can" said Barbara, spots dancing in her vision again "mum" her voice broke "I'm scared"

"Oh sweetheart, I can only imagine" she heard the car indicator turn on "but do it for me"

"I'll try" Barbara shuffled herself over to the wall, leaning against it with a deep sigh. "Where are you?"

"Pulling into your street" said her mum "I'll be like a minute or less"

"Ok" Barbara started falling to one side and she put a hand out to steady herself, crying out loudly when she realised it was her right arm. She heard the front door open and her mother gasp.

"Barb?" asked her mother's voice.

"Here" croaked Barbara "Off to the side... come down the stairs, just don't do anything stupid a-and be careful"

"Oh sweetheart" said her mother, walking down the basement stairs "can you stand?"

"I hit my head pretty hard" said Barbara "but forget about me, is Ad ok?"

"He has a pulse" said her mum, feeling on Adam's neck "Barb, you really don't look good, lay down sweetie"

"No I'm fine" said Barbara, shaking her head. Her mother sighed and got her phone out "What are you doing?"

"Phoning an ambulance," said her mother. Barbara leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes, letting the tension go from her body for a second, listening to her mother speak to the operator. Every inch of her body hurt. It ached. How they'd (or she, as she did because she didn't yet know her husband's full fate) managed to survive that fall. It could've been and probably would've been fatal had they been more unlucky.

"Yes, she's moved around and talked to me" said her mother to the operator "I think she's hurt her arm pretty badly, and her husband isn't awake yet. He does have a pulse. Ok, thank you" she pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at Barbara "They're on their way. How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm gonna pass out" said Barbara "My arm hurts so much"

"Well, it looks pretty bad," said her mother. Barbara made the mistake of glancing at it. It was all swollen and gross and did not look good. She felt sick and quickly looked away. Barbara didn't know how long she sat there with her arm aching but soon Ambulance officers arrived and carried a stretcher down into the basement for her still unconscious husband.

Her mum came and sat next to her while they loaded Adam onto a stretcher and another officer examined her arm. Every slight touch or movement to her arm caused her immense pain and she had spots dancing in her vision by the end of it.

"Ok miss" said the paramedic "can you stand up and walk up stairs?"

"Y-yeah" said Barbara shakily. Carefully she stood up with the help of her mother and the officer and walked upstairs. By the time they reached the top, she felt extremely faint and the next thing she knew, she was falling sideways to the floor.

Adam woke up to a beeping sound and in a bright room. He looked around and realised he was in a hospital room. Wire's were connected to him and machines were beeping all around him, monitoring his vitals. He stared at the curtain surrounding his bed and tried to remember what had happened. 

He'd been with Barbara. They'd been discussing how to fix the house up more. They'd been dancing around. They'd jumped toward each other. The floor had broken. They'd fallen through the floor. As they'd fallen through the air, he'd reached out to hold her close. He remembered hearing the sickening crunch of their bodies landing on the ground. Then, there was nothing. 

"Barb?" he whispered, hoping for a sign of his wife 

"Mr Maitland?" said a nurse, pushing through the curtains "Oh good. You're awake"

"What happened? Where is my wife?" asked Adam, sitting up a little

"You're wife is right behind that curtain" said the nurse. "and you and your wife fell through the floor of your home. You've been knocked out for 12 hours now. You've have a small concussion but that seems fine now and we've had to stitch up a cut on your head" Adam reached up to his forehead and felt a bandage wrapped around it "You should be fine to go home as soon as we do some final tests on you"

"Ok, thank you" said Adam "Would I be able to see my wife?"

"Of course, please hold on" she left through the curtains to the side and a second later returned with Barbara. She had a bit of a black eye and her right arm in a cast and sling. 

"Adam, oh thank god" she ran to him and flew into his arms. Adam hugged her back tightly. "I've been so worried, how are you?"

"What happened to you?" asked Adam

"Landed on my arm" said Barbara "Broken it in 3 different places and managed to pop my shoulder out of place" Adam cringed and hugged her again "I'm fine though. I just missed you" 

"Mr Maitland" said the nurse, grabbing their attention. Adam turned to look at her but kept his arm around Barbara. "We have reviewed the tests we did on you while you were unconscious and you seem fine to go home. But, I would recommend that you have someone other than the two of you at home with you, incase anything happens. Is that possible?"

"Yes" said Barbara "My mums in the waiting room, I can text her to come in if you want"

"I can go get her, what is her name?"

"Jill Davey" said Barbara. The nurse nodded and left. The whole 2 minutes they were alone, Adam and Barbara just hugged each other close, glad to still have each other. Barbara had her head rested on Adam's chest and he was running his hand through her hair. 

"Adam, oh thank god you're ok" said Barbara's mother, walking through the door. "I've been so worried, so's Barb, does it hurt anywhere?"

"No" said Adam

"Lucky" mumbled Barbara "my arm kills, this frikin' sucks" 

"The pain should stop within a few days" said the nurse "If it gets too much or continues to get worse, contact us please" Barbara nodded and laid her head on Adam's shoulder, closing her eyes. "You two are free to go, Mrs Davey, you will just need to keep an eye on them and make sure they are ok"

"Ok thank you" said Barbara's mum. The nurse smiled and left, leaving the 3 adults alone. 

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