Maitlands 2.0

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"He's gonna kill someone" said Adam as they walked up the stairs "Somebody's gonna get killed"
"And Lydia, she can't live like this" agreed Barbara, gesturing around the dimly lit hallway they were walking down, in hopes of finding the teenager

"I have an idea" said Adam coming to a stop and looking at his wife "lets chop off his head"

"Yes," agreed Barbara without a second's hesitation.

"Who are we decapitating?" joked Lydia, appearing out of a room down the hall

"Beetlejuice," said Barbara, pointing downstairs with her cast. Lydia walked towards them holding a book in her hand.

"You should" said Lydia "He'd love that" she received twin groans of frustration from the couple and couldn't help but smile.

"You know, hate is a strong word but... I... I" Adam struggled to find the right word "do not like him"

"Yeah he's a monster" said Lydia "but he's my monster, and look. He gave me this" she held the Handbook for the Recently Deceased out to the Maitlands and Adam looked at it excitedly.

"Is that an old book? I love old books" said Adam, an adoring look coming over his face. He approached Lydia and looked at the title with a frown "Handbook for the recently Diseased?"

"Deceased" corrected Barbara with a smile.

"Just need someone to open it for me" said Lydia "I can't because I am alive"

"Well we're just as alive as you" said Barbara

"Yes" said Lydia, she offered the book to the Maitlands "can you guys try though? You guys nearly died. Maybe you could try"

"I don't know... " said Barbara uncertainty, fiddling with the cords on her dress "Lydia, it could be dangerous"

"Please" said Lydia, she offered the book to Adam, who took it excitedly.

"Why'd you get that?" asked Barbara

"I'm gonna bring my mum back from the Netherworld" said Lydia.

Adam held the book delicately in his hands. Lydia and Barbara each leant over his shoulders. Adam tried to open the book and magically it opened. "Wow... this is such an interesting font" said Adam, admiring the glowing pages of the book. Barbara and Lydia exchanged a look behind Adam's back. "Chapter 1, the Netherworld. All ghosts should proceed directly to the Netherworld." he exchanged a look with Barbara.

"Does it say anything about summonings or seances?"

"Here!" Adam pointed to a sentence. "It says we should draw a door"

"Let's go downstairs" suggested Lydia, she poked her head downstairs "Beej and his clones are gone" the Maitlands nodded and they made their way downstairs. The biggest blank stretch of wall was just by the front door and Adam managed to produce a piece of chalk from somewhere and drew a door shape.

"Hmm, it's a little crooked" he mumbled, stepping back to admire his handy work. Lydia giggled and Barbara sighed. "It says we knock three times, here goes nothing" he knocked on the wall and it opened up revealing an eerie green glowing light.

"Is that the Netherworld?" asked Lydia, taking a step closer. Adam was in a trance and was slowly walking towards the door. Barbara ran towards him.

"Adam?" she asked. He ignored her. Barbara took the book from his hand and slammed it and the door shut.

"What ? NO!" Lydia ran towards the wall and looked at Barbara "Why'd you shut it?"

"Lydia I can't" said Barbara "It's too risky, too dangerous. You can't live like this in a haunted house, all alone"

"I've been alone since my mother died" said Lydia "Please, just open it again"

"I-i can't" said Barbara, she put the book down and stepped away from it. Lydia sighed angrily and picked up the book.

"Fine, I'll find a way to do it myself!" said Lydia, she walked towards the kitchen.

"Lydia, wait!" said Adam

"We're scared for you" continued Barbara

"You're scared of everything" said Lydia and with that she stormed off to the kitchen. Adam and Barbara walked upstairs and looked at each other.

"Well that wasn't very nice" mumbled Adam. Barbara was looking at the blank walls of the hallway with a sad and thoughtful expression. Adam walked over to her and took her hand

"Adam... is she right?" asked Barbara, turning towards her husband. Adam watched her with a confused expression. He loved his wife with his whole heart but sometimes she made no sense.

"Honey?" he asked

"She's right" said Barbara "we are scared of everything"
"We're not" said Adam

"Think about it" said Barbara, fully facing him "I was always told to take risks when I was younger and now I still don't. We gotta get outside our comfort zones"


"The Barbara you married? She's gone. She fell through the floor, The new Barbara is better. Barbara 2.0!" Barbara turned to her husband with a dopey grin on her face that melted his heart.

"God you're right" he said, running a hand through his hair "you are so right."

"We can worry about ourselves later" said Barbara, she glanced downstairs where she could hear three unfamiliar voices. "Right now Lydia needs us. She feels safe around us, she needs people who won't run away. We gotta help her. Yes?"

"Yes," said Adam. He looked at Barbara and kissed her. She melted into the kiss and they stayed like that for a while. Then they broke apart and Adam looked at Barbara with a loving expression.

"Maitlands 2.0?" she asked

"Maitlands 2.0" agreed Adam. He offered Barbara his hand and she took it. He kissed her knuckles and they snuck downstairs, ready to help the teenager they cared so deeply for. 

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