Guy on the roof

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"There's a guy on your roof in a striped suit" repeated Lydia. Adam just stared at her "wait... do you not know?"

"Last time I checked we didn't have anything or anyone on our roof" said Adam

"Okay" Lydia looked up awkwardly "is Barbara in?"

"She's asleep" said Adam, shooting a glance inside at his wife "want to come in and we can go onto the roof"

"Ok, if you don't mind," said Lydia. Adam smiled and led her inside. "Ooh, whatcha watchin'?"

"Harry Potter" said Adam, picking up the remote and pausing the film. He then sat on the sofa by Barbara and started rubbing her shoulder in an attempt to wake her gently. "Oh Lydia" he noticed the teenager standing awkwardly, looking around the room "take a seat wherever"

"Hey..." Lydia perched on the edge of a squishy chair "What did you and Barbara do to yourselves? If you don't mind me asking"

"Oh, it sounds kinda weird" said Adam, still trying to wake his wife up, but it resulted in her wrapping her arm around his and holding it tightly. "We fell through the floor"

"I'm sorry-" Lydia's eyes widened "what?"

"Yeah" said Adam "I got a concussion and was unconscious for 12 hours. Barb got it worse. She broke her arm in three different places and popped her shoulder outta place."

"Oww" said Lydia sympathetically. "I take that's what the sling and massive cast are for"

"Yes," said Adam. He extracted his arm from her grasp. Barbara opened her eyes and spotted Lydia. She smiled at the young girl and looked at her husband. Adam offered her a hand up.

"Hey Lydia," said Barbara, suppressing a yawn "What brings you over here?"
"Oh you have someone on your roof" said Lydia casually


"Ya" said Lydia

"We were gonna head up and check," said Adam. Barbara jumped up, stating that she was joining. Adam nodded and the three of them ascended the stairs. Lydia explained to the Maitlands what she'd seen and what this person looked like.

"He wears a black and white striped suit, a black and white striped shirt, a green tie and has green hair" explained Lydia as they reached the attic

"I'm sensing a theme here" muttered Adam as he opened the door. Lydia giggled but Barbara looked thoughtful

"I remember, when I first came round after the fall, I saw a face. But I closed my eyes and when I opened them again the person was gone" Adam led them through the attic and to the window. Quickly the three people climbed out and Lydia looked around the roof.

"It's empty" she stated "I swear he was here" she pointed to where she stood "right hare"

"Lydia, are you sure?" asked Barbara gently

"Yeah" nodded Lydia "he waved at me!"

"Have you had enough water?" asked Barbara

"Yes" said Lydia "I..." she trailed off and looked over Barbara's shoulder at her roof "he's on my roof"

"What?" asked Adam, spinning round "I don't see anything"

"Neither"' said Barbara, squinting. "Let's head inside, you want something to eat Lydia?"

"Do you guys believe me?" asked Lydia as they walked downstairs in silence

"Yes," said Barbara. Lydia felt her heart swell. An adult actually believed her. Believed something she said. Her father hadn't done that in literally years.

"Thanks" said Lydia with a small smile. They entered the kitchen and Adam handed her a small lemon tart. "Thank you," said Lydia. She chatted a little with the Maitlands and really opened up to them. She didn't know why but the couple just made her feel relaxed and she felt as though she could be herself around them and they wouldn't judge her or tell her off.

"Shivers, is that the time?" asked Barbara, glancing up at the kitchen clock that read 6.30pm "Lydia you'd best head home, your dad'll be worried"

"He won't" said Lydia but she stood up anyway "when can I see you guys again?"

"Whenever" said Adam "We got an appointment in 2 days but just drop round anytime, you're always welcome here"

"Thank you" said Lydia "dad's having a dinner party tomorrow, I might just come here and hide out" Adam and Barbara laughed, which made Lydia smile. "Well... I'll get going, thanks for everything"

"Anytime" said Barbara, she got up and handed Lydia 3 more lemon tarts, seeing how much the young girl had liked them "tell us if that guy comes back"

"Will do" said Lydia "Thanks!" the Maitlands saw her to the door and Lydia knew that they watched to make sure she got home safely. Lydia walked straight up to her room, ignoring her father and Delia. She'd just shut the door behind her and was about to collapse onto her bed when she realised it was already occupied.

"Hey scarecrow" said the stranger in a gravelly voice.

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