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"Hold on, hold on" said Liam, leaning back in his seat and holding his hands up to silence his mother "Adam and Barb fell through the floor of their house?"


"And Barb's broken her arm in 3 different places?"

"Yes" nodded Jill "and popped her shoulder out of place"

"Wow Barb" said Liam "Good job" Barbara didn't move "She ok?"

"Just in pain" said Jill, reaching out and patting her daughters good arm

"Where's Adam?"

"Upstairs" mumbled Barbara.

"Hey, you're alive" said Liam

"Just... literally" Barbara lifted her head up off the table and Liam gasped. "What?"

"Your eye," said Liam. Barbara rolled her eyes and adjusted her sling a little. "What did you do?"

"It's called falling through a floor genius" said Barbara "were you not just listening to a word mum said?"

"She didn't mention your eye," said Liam. Barbara chuckled. "So, you broke your arm?"

"Yeah" sighed Barbara "My wrist and forearm are dead, and I've slightly cracked the bone in the top of my arm. That should heal within the next 4 weeks and then my other two ones will take a long time to heal, so I won't be able to use my arm for a while"

"Dang Barb" said Liam "How about Adam, you two are practically attached at the hip, where's he got to?"

"He's asleep" said Barbara "he got a concussion, so he's sleeping it off. Although he shouldn't need it, he was out for 12 hours yesterday"

"Hey, I am awake" came a voice. Barbara turned to see her husband walking into the kitchen. She jumped up and walked over to him, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly "Hey Liam, how are you?"

"I'm good," said Liam "Oh, can you help me with my maths sometime? And science?"

"Please" whispered Jill

"Please," added Liam

"Of course" said Adam "when do you need it?"

"Oh whenever" said Liam "we're doing trigonometry and it does not make one bit of sense"

"How ironic" said Adam, he patted his wife's head "that was the one bit of maths Barb actually understood"

"Meany" said Barbara

"Am I wrong?"

"No" she sighed "can we watch a movie, my arm still kills and I need to email Kristy about being off work for a while"

"Sure" said Liam, jumping up from his seat and moving toward the living room.

"Don't you have homework young man?" asked Jill, stopping her son in his tracks

"Maybe" said Liam slowly.

"Mum, let him relax for a bit" said Barbara "torture him when I'm not in immense pain please" Jill nodded and let them go put a movie on. Barbara wasn't paying attention and focused on emailing her co-workers, asking for a replacement. Once she'd sent the email, she settled back into Adam's side, trying to ignore the aching in her arm, and just scrolled through her phone, looking at messages.

"Oh, someones bought the house next door" said Barbara, seeing the message from their neighbour down the street

"Oh, do you know who?" asked Adam, sounding vaguely interested but keeping his attention focused on the movie Liam had chosen. Barbara shrugged and messaged back the question. Then she snuggled further into Adam's side and stretched her feet out so they were just touching her brother, purposely trying to annoy him. Liam just pulled her socks off her feet and chucked them over the other side of the room. Barbara frowned at him and brought her feet back to her body. She was just about asleep when her phone buzzed.

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