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"Todays been a strange day" said Charles

"Strange and unusual" said Lydia with a smile

"You're crazy plan worked" said Barbara. 

"We make a good team" then she grimaced "we did kill someone though"

"Yes" said Charles "but we did it together" he reached out for Delia and held her hand tightly, looking at the Maitlands "not to be rude or anything, but who are you guys?"

"Oh sorry" said Adam, wrapping his arm around Barbara's waist and holding her close to him, supporting her "I'm Adam and this is my wife Barbara" the woman gave a tired wave and smile "we live next door and came to check on Lydia but all this ended up happening"

"Oh" said Charles, he held his hand out to Adam to shake "I'm Charles, thank you for looking out for Lydia"

"No problems" said Barbara "she's a wonderful girl"

"She is" agreed Charles. He looked around his now trashed house and sighed "do you know why that demon was here in the first place?"

"Well, last month we fell through the floor of our house" said Barbara, holding up her cast "and apparently we were meant to die but somehow for some reason we didn't, but he was there waiting for us. So when we didn't die, he was sulking, but Lydia could see him so they became friends and she said his name and this all happened"

"Wow" said Delia. Lydia appeared from upstairs back in a normal dress and walked over to the 4 adults.

"I assume you guys have met" the adults nodded. Lydia smiled.

"Lydia, Charles, Delia" Barbara looked at the Deetz "The wall is pretty much wrecked in here and I'd love to help clean up but I think we're all a bit too tired for that. Would you guys like to come to our house for the night and however long until the wall is fixed, we have rooms available and everything"

"Oh really we-" Charles started but was cut off by Delia's hand on his shoulder and his daughters voice.

"Yes please guys" she looked at her father "their house is so cool, its so ancient" Adam laughed and held Barbara tighter as she yawned "I'll go grab my stuff and we'll see you over there, ok?"

"Sure" said Adam, going towards the door with Barbara in tow. "Just ring the doorbell" they left the Deetz and made their way back home. 

As soon as they got home, Barbara sat on the couch and Adam sat next to her. She leant her head against his chest and tucked her legs onto the couch, kicking her shoes off in the process. Adam ran his fingers through her hair while they sat in silence until the doorbell rang. Then he stood up and let the Deetz in.

"Thank you for this" said Charles as Adam showed them to the guest bedroom.

"No problems" said Adam "It'll be nice to get to know you guys" he stood in the doorway "Lydia's room is last on the right and me and Barb are last on the left. Theres a shower, bath and everything in the ensuite bathroom through that door. Don't hesitate to wake us up" he looked at them "anything I forgot?"

"Think you covered it all" said Charles "Thank god its Sunday tomorrow"

"I know right" said Adam "I dunno how long we'll all be asleep for but there's food downstairs." he clapped his hands together "well, I'm exhausted, so Imma head to bed. Sleep well guys, it was nice to meet you" he waved goodbye to the Deetz and walked down the hall to where Lydia's bedroom door was open. He knocked and was told to come inside by his wife. He walked into the pale pink room and saw Lydia looking at the colour with disgust.

"My little sister got to choose this colour" explained Barbara "its where she stays when she comes over"

"Pink suits you Lydia" said Adam, he looked at his wife who was practically asleep standing up "Your parents room is the first door on the right, our room is opposite yours. Bathroom is room next to this. Don't hesitate to come see us. Foods downstairs" he shrugged "have a good sleep"

"Thanks Adam" she hugged him and Barbara and then steered them towards the door "Go get sleep, Barbara's asleep on her feet" Adam laughed and led his wife out the room, shutting the door behind him. 

As soon as she reached the bed, Barbara collapsed onto it. Adam grabbed her pyjamas and walked over to her. "Barb? Honey you gotta get changed" she rolled onto her back and sleepily looked up at him. He grabbed her left wrist and pulled her off the bed so she was standing. Sleepily she took her dress off and put the shorts on, before sitting down on the bed with her eyes shutting. Smiling, Adam pulled the shirt over her head and kissed her cheek. She leant into him. He picked her up and laid her down in the bed, tucking her in with a kiss on the forehead. 

"Thanks Adam" she mumbled, closing her eyes. He rubbed her shoulder and went to get changed himself. He quickly put some pyjama pants and shirt on. Then he climbed into bed next to his wife and turned the light off. The house was just as silent as it always was, but felt more alive with the 3 more people currently occupying it than normal. With a smile Adam pulled Barbara close to him and buried his face in her neck, falling asleep almost instantly. 

AN: I'm publishing this part now because I have a dance concert tomorrow night and won't be able to publish it then. Thanks for reading and Enjoy! 

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