My creepy old guy

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"Shut up!" shouted Beetlejuice, stopping the skeletons he'd summoned from clapping "I'm ready for some people to die" Barbara's eyes widened and she glanced at her husband, who looked back. It'd been 6 hours since Lydia and Charles had disappeared into the Netherworld and Beetlejuice finally seemed ready to show them the 'big plan!' he'd been planning during those 6 hours. 

The demon had this little game show set up going on in the living room of the Deetz living room and it seemed Adam, Barbara, Delia and some skeletons were the contestants. He had something covered up with a black cloth and Otho had disappeared. Barbara, Adam and Delia were lined up next to each other handcuffed to the podiums that had their names on them (minus Adams, that said Sexy). 

"Lets spin the wheel!" said Beetlejuice, he pulled the cloth off to reveal the life coach tied to a massive wheel used on game shows. 

"Please! NO! Don't spin the wheel" yelled Otho "I don't wanna die"

"Don't worry Otho" said Delia "We'll put you in the soul box" Barbara just stared at the two. She'd been listening in to the conversations Adam and Delia had been having and Delia seemed a little weird but nice still. She still didn't like the woman because she made Lydia unhappy, but from what Barbara had heard she was a nice woman. But at the moment, she was acting really strange, and apparently she knew this Otho guy, so that just made everything weirder. 

"Delia, don't you get it?" said Otho, looking at the woman "I'm a fraud" Barbara raised her eyebrows "My names not Otho, its Kevin" he mumbled something else about New Jersey but Barbara didn't hear it, she was too busy containing her laughter because his name was Kevin. 

"SPIN THE WHEEL!" yelled Delia into Beetlejuice's microphone. 

"You heard the lady" said Beetlejuice. He started spinning it and the spikes hit Otho. He then pushed the wheel away out of sight and turned to the skeletons. He was about to say something but was interrupted by the door to the Netherworld opening and Lydia with Charles stepping out. 

"Hey BJ" she said. Barbara's eyebrows raised more when she saw Lydia was wearing a read wedding dress and Charles a tuxedo. Apparently they'd had time to change and sort out their issues in the Netherworld while she, Adam and Delia had been held captive by a crazy demon. 

"Lydia?" asked the demon in amazement. "What are you doing?"

"What's wrong darling, didn't you think I was coming back?"

"Well..." said Beetlejuice, fiddling with the microphone and looking at Lydia. This was probably the first time in his life the demon was lost for words and probably the last. "You sorta jumped into literal hell to get away from me"

"Well" Lydia shrugged with a giggle "I've had a change of heart, realised I don't wanna go through this crappy life alone, I'd prefer it with you" she straightened his bowtie "and I got my dads blessing"

"Which does not come easy" supplied Charles, walking forward and grabbing Beetlejuice away from his daughter. "Mr Juice" Beetlejuice raised his eyebrows. Barbara stopped looking at the male duo and focused her attention on the teenager infront of them. Lydia was frantically explaining her plan to them in whispers, but Barbara couldn't help but notice the light in the teenagers eyes that hadn't been there before. Apparently something good had happened in the Netherworld. She released Barbara from her handcuffs straight away and warmth spread throughout the woman's heart. "Welcome to the family, son"

"Nope!" said Beetlejuice "Not buying it! Time to die!" he flipped the microphone upside down and a blade appeared. Barbara felt her husband push past her and covered her eyes, not wanting to see anything. However, she snapped them back open again when she heard her husband. 

"Hold on one damn minute" he said. Barbara was shocked but her heart swelled with pride. "I have something to say" he took a deep breath "Mr Beetlejuice, since we met you have pinched, groped and harassed me. Sir. So I wanna tell you, infront of all these people" he shrugged at the skeletons "that it has... worked" 

"What?" asked Beetlejuice. 

"I want you Beetlejuice" said Adam, unbuttoning the top button of his black and white flannel and approaching the demon "And I want everyone here to know it" he bit the demons bottom lip and in the process grabbed the blade away from the demon and Charles took it from him. 

"How dare you!" yelled Barbara, dragging her husband away from the demon and slapping his cheek "Oh my god, did I really hit you?" Adam looked at her with a small adoring smile and mumbled 

"Maitlands 2.0"

"Maitlands 2.0" repeated Barbara with a smile. Then she turned to Beetlejuice "I mean, I'm angry" Beetlejuice raised his eyebrows "Because I too am attracted to Mr Beetlejuice" she went in for a kiss but saw Beetlejuice's tongue and gagged. Lydia stifled a laugh and watched as Beetlejuice talked about being a sexual being. 

"Beej! Hey" Lydia walked to him and linked her arms with his "Its not about that, its about love and life and the people" she looked at everyone in the room "you choose to share it with" 

"Huh?" Beetlejuice cocked his head to the side in confusion 

"Let me explain" said Lydia. She patted his shoulder and gestured for Barbara and Delia to come over. "It all started when I was 10, when creepy old guys would look at me. I was freaked out then, but now." she shrugged with a smile and giggle" I guess I really love creepy old guys" she kissed his cheek "especially you, my creepy old guy" 

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