Meeting them

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Barbara walked in from the garden carrying a basket with her left hand, her right arm still in a sling. Adam was sitting at the kitchen table reading the letter the O'Briens had given him, thanking him for the crib and giving them their well wishes for a speedy recovery.

"New neighbours are here" said Barbara, dumping the basket on the table and looking over Adam's shoulder.

"Oh, did you see them?"

"Saw movement in one of the windows" said Barbara, she looked at the letter "what's that?"

"Thank you letter from the O'Briens" said Adam, he put the paper down "should we go say hello?"

"I want to take them something" said Barbara "show them we're friendly"

"Ok" nodded Adam "I mean, you made that cake, wanna take some of that over?"

"Of course" said Barbara, she straightened up "wanna help me?" Adam shrugged "Well you have no choice, you're my arms, remember?"
"Coming honey" Adam stood up and helped her in the kitchen. Then they made their way over to the house next door. Barbara rang the doorbell but there was no reply. "They're probably out"

"We'll leave it here" said Barbara, she pointed with her foot to the front step and Adam laid their gift down with a note and walked off.

Later that day, while Adam and Barbara were curled up on the couch watching a TV show when the doorbell rang. Adam got up and opened the door while Barbara paused the show and joined him. Standing at the door was a young girl, probably around 15 or 16. She had short black hair and wore a black dress with safety pins around the neck.

"Hi" said the girl in a bored yet shy tone

"Hi" said Adam

"I'm Lydia, my dad sent me over here to say thanks for the cake, it's really good"

"Oh it was nothing" said Barbara, standing next to Adam "I'm Barbara and this is Adam" the girl nodded "How old are you Lydia?"

"15" said Lydia, kicking her feet along the ground

"They're nice boots" said Barbara "and I love your dress"

"Thanks" said Lydia, a small smile appearing on her face.

"Well, we'll let you get back to your business" said Adam, putting an arm around Barbara's shoulders

"Thanks" said Lydia

"You can come see us whenever you need us" said Barbara "we're always here"

"Thanks" said Lydia "I'll tell dad that"

"So you're hear with your dad?" asked Barbara, wanting to know more about this young girl

"Yeah" sighed Lydia "Dad and Delia"

"Your mum here too?" asked Barbara

"She died" whispered Lydia

"Oh Lydia, I'm sorry" said Barbara. Lydia gave her a small smile

"It's fine" said Lydia "I just wish I could talk about her more, it makes the pain hurt less"

"Oh Lydia, you can tell us anything" said Barbara, already developing a motherly feeling to the young girl "not in a creepy way though"

"Oh it's fine" said Lydia, the smile remaining on her face "Dad just acts like its against the law to even mention her"

"Well" Adam made a big deal of looking around "I don't see any cops around here"

"Oh god" groaned Barbara, throwing her head back "Adam that was awful"

"That was adorable" mumbled Lydia, she wished her dad was like that. "Like, the perfect dad joke"

"Well, I haven't got a chance to use 'em yet... so..." he trails off and pulls Barbara closer to him

"I really like you guys" said Lydia, ignoring the previous comment because they clearly didn't want to talk about it "This is the first time in months that I've actually felt relaxed and happy"

"Aww, we like you too Lydia" said Barbara

"I'd love to speak more but dad'll want me back" said Lydia

"Ok, but fill free to come over anytime" said Barbara "one of us is generally home"

"I'll remember that, thanks" Lydia offered them a smile "it was nice meeting you guys, I'll see you around" she waved goodbye to the Maitlands and walked off, her shoulders slumping and the smile disappearing off her face as she approached her house. Adam shut the door and looked at Barbara.

"She seems nice" he said

"Her father doesn't" said Barbara "I feel bad for her"

"We can't do anything about it," said Adam. Barbara reluctantly nodded but made a silent promise to herself that she'd look out for Lydia.

Adam and Barbara were curled up on the couch, again, that night, watching Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (sorcerer's stone as Americans called it, but they liked to stick to the proper name). Barbara had fallen asleep with her feet in Adam's lap and he was rubbing them absentmindedly. The movie had just reached the bit where Quirrell revealed that Voldemort was on the back of his head when the doorbell rang. Adam left the movie playing and gently lifted his wife's feet off his lap.

"Hello?" he said as he opened the door "who is- oh Lydia!" he smiled at the sight of the teenager "Hi, how are you?"

"I'm good" said Lydia

"Whats up?" asked Adam

"Oh, I just wanted to ask why there was a person in a striped suit up on your roof" said Lydia casually. Adam's eyes widened and he looked at her like she was crazy.

"I'm sorry... what?" 

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