Recently deceased

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As they all danced around the demon and got him reading for his 'wedding' Barbara couldn't help but wonder what the plan was. All Lydia had said was she was marrying him and that she had a plan, so follow her lead. Barbara did as she was told, but still wondered what was going to happen, how they were going to vanquish the demon for good. 

"I do" said Lydia and Beetlejuice to each other. The room started to spin and Barbara was dragged away by Adam, the two of them huddled in a corner. 

"I'm alive!" said Beetlejuice, standing in the centre of the room. Barbara's eyes widened. "Are those birds? They sound so beautiful" Barbara wondered if the demon had never heard birds before in his life "and that makes me feel, oh god" his eyes widened "I actually feel happy. But what if it doesn't last- oh god I'm so worried"

"Is this what a demon with mood swings looks like?" whispered Barbara to Adam. Who just shrugged and rubbed her arm. The couple watched as the demon explored his new emotions, and then he reached anger. 

"-And as a society, we don't teach men to process their anger... so maybe I'll just try MURDER!" he stopped approaching Adam and turned to Delia, but only made it half way because Charles had handed Lydia some of Delia's artwork and the teenager hit the demon to the floor. Then, with a sickening sound that would never be erased from anyones brain, the teen drove the metal pole through the demons back so it stuck out through his front. 

Barbara covered her eyes but watched through them as the demon sat up, clearly in pain "I see what you did there" she put his hand on the pole sticking out of his chest "Neat trick" he pushed the pole back through his body and collapsed onto his front. 

"You stabbed him" said Delia in shock 

"With bad art" added Adam. 

"Why did you bring him back to life just to kill him?" asked Delia, choosing to ignore Adam's comment. 

"Because now he'll be" Beetlejuice sat up on his knees "recently deceased. Adam we need a door" Adam smiled and grabbed the chalk the teen was holding out to him. He quickly drew a door and knocked on it three times. 

"Beetlejuice, leave this house and this family alone forever" said Adam. The demon walked in a trance towards the door, mumbling 'Netherworld' like a zombie. He'd just reached the door when an unfamiliar voice came through it. 


"Ahh crap" mumbled the demon. He moved off to stand infront of Barbara, because the poor woman seemed to be about to collapse at any given second by the pale look on her face. 

"I shoulda known you'd be messed up in all this" she looked at the demon disapprovingly "God you're a screw up" 

"Why you gotta be so hard on me... mum" said Beetlejuice. In sync everyone in the room said WHAT and stared at the demon. "This is so embarrassing" he hissed like a teenager 

"You're the embarrassment" said Juno "to the dead"

"Mum-" Beetlejuice was cut off and pushed backwards, by Junos power, next to Barbara, who was staring at him with wide eyes. 

"You" she pointed at Lydia "You go to the Netherworld you don't come back" she slowly approached the girl, who took a shakey step back. 

"Back off mum" said Beetlejuice, running infront of his mother "back off, because of her I got to live, briefly... very briefly" Lydia nodded "and can I just say, I dunno how you people do it. Life is a goddamn rollercoaster, like one minute you're up here" he reached up as high as he could "and the next, you feel like your in the depths of the Netherworld" he pointed to the floor. Then he looked out infront of him "Eyyyyy, this guy knows what I'm talking about" everyone in the room stared at him like he was mental and he shook his head and faced his mum again "but its worth it, every bit of it. And I will not let you take it away from her, or anyone in this room" he pointed to the line of adults behind her, all of which were looking thoroughly confused. 

"Oh Lawrence" Barbara snorted and Lydia giggled. "That was beautiful" she took her glasses off and out an arm around her sons shoulders "I admit I haven't always been the best mother, and maybe I was wrong... but thats only because I wish you were never born!" she used her powers to open the door and pushed Beetlejuice out. 

"Ahhhh" he said as he disappeared into the flashing lights. 

"Now, you!" the demon mother pointed at Lydia "You're coming with me, and your dad"

"You know what? I've already been to literal hell and back, and I learned a lot along the way. I think I'll take a chance on life and people, like these weird but amazing people" she gestured to the 4 adults standing around her. 

"She is not going anywhere" said Charles, putting his hands on Lydia's shoulders. 

"Yeah back off" said Barbara, standing on Lydia's right side and putting an arm on the teenager

"Over our dead bodies" said Adam 

"Yeah! I'm a part this too, I don't get it but I'm a part of it" said Delia, kneeling infront of Lydia in a slightly threatening position. 

"Oh well look at you" said Juno "all ganging up against an old lady! If you wanna be together, you can die together" she pointed at them and was about to curse them when Beetlejuice appeared. 

"Hiya mum" he said, while steering the sandworm through the wall of the house and towards the woman. The adults all ran to the opposite side of the room while Lydia hid behind the fireplace. The sandworm ate up Juno and when it moved away, nothing but a single red shoe was left "Hey Lydia! We both got dead mums now" Lydia raised her eyebrow at him and he shrugged "well... I'm off. Maybe find my dad" he approached Adam "You, Adam, are boring, but sexy" he handed the shoe to the shocked man "own that" he approached Barbara "Barbara, you look like you're about to collapse" he offered her his hand, she took it and was about to move it to a more inappropriate place on his body but she twisted his arm around "OW! Respect" 

Barbara happily smiled and walked over to Adam, leaning heavily against him. It'd been a long day for them both, she's had her broken wrist poked and prodded, got a new cast on, been exorcised and helped kill a demon. He chucked the red shoe on the ground and held her close to him, knowing she was only running on adrenalin now.
"BYE!" Beetlejuice and his clones disappeared through a door to the Netherworld and when it shut the room was left in silence.

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