On the roof/planning

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"Who the hell are you?" asked Lydia, slamming her bedroom door shut and looking at the green haired person.

"I'm a demon" said Beetlejuice

"Well, that makes sense" muttered Lydia, also locking her bedroom door for safe measures. "But for real, what are you doing in my room, and on my bed? It's pretty damn creepy"

"I need your help" said Beetlejuice

"With what?" asked Lydia slowly, eyeing the demon carefully

"I need to be alive"

"Are you not?" asked Lydia

"No, I'm dead. Dead as can be" the cogs in Lydia's brain started turning. If this guy was dead and here and she could see him, maybe her mum was back in New York, waiting for Lydia to return and see her but Lydia had moved away.

"Wait... you're dead, yes?"


"And I can see you, yes?"

"Well, normally people can't see ghosts and no one can ever see me. Living tend to ignore the strange and unusual-"

"I myself am strange and unusual" mumbled Lydia

"Correct" said Beetlejuice "I was waiting for that sexy couple next door to die so they could help me, but somehow they survived, I was told they'd die but they did the impossible and avoided death. Babs did see me once, but I think that's because she was so close to death. Apparently she can't see me anymore"

"So, Barbara saw you once? And Adam hasn't at all? That's weird" an idea dawned on Lydia "Hey, could you help me with something?"
"What?" asked Beetlejuice

"I want to go back to New York, back home, can you help me with that?" she looked at him. "Please?"

"Fine" said Beetlejuice. He'd always had a soft spot for kids, even that jokey kid in the Netherworld. "What are we doing?"

"Well the plan is..."

Lydia stormed out of her father's bedroom, tears running down her cheeks. She'd just been told her dad was engaged to Delia. Lydia could think of nothing worse than having Delia as a step-mother. Brushing her tears away, she walked into her bedroom and started writing a note.

No one will miss me, she thought, dad will be sorry once I'm gone.

Lydia climbed out her window and onto the roof, where she stood on the edge, looking over into the garden below. Just as she was about to jump, she looked to the side and saw the Maitlands house. Barbara was in the garden, watering some plants and Adam was sitting on the ground, watching her.

Why couldn't she have got them as her parents? They would be the best parents ever. They listened to her, comforted her, and made her feel relaxed. Shaking her head she turned her attention back to her own backyard and moved closer towards the edge of the roof when a cough stopped her. Turning her head around she stopped and saw Beetlejuice leaning against the window, watching her.

"What do you want?" she asked

"Say my name 3 times and we can do a whole lot more damage than that" said Beetlejuice, his hair purple now for some strange unknown reason.

"No" said Lydia "I'm gonna jump, once I'm gone my dad will miss me"

"No!" yelled Beetlejuice grabbing her arm and dragging her away from the edge. "No, you'll just be dead, and that sucks. So, say my name three times and we can really show your dad we mean business"

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