Girl Scout

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Sky gripped onto the straps of her backpack tightly as she walked up the hill. It was her first time selling cookies for the Girl Scouts and she was quite nervous. She'd decided to go to the Maitlands house first. She knew the Maitlands. Barbara had babysat her friend Sunny when she was younger and once Sky had joined her. The Maitlands were nice, Sky hoped they'd buy cookies from her.

But as she approached the house she noticed the car wasn't there. They were out. Hopefully they'd be back soon. She knew they'd fallen through the floor of their home, the whole town knew. Adam was fine but Barbara had broken her arm, badly by the looks of it. Sky hadn't gotten a chance to speak to them but she hoped she could. She really liked the Maitlands.

Sighing when she passed their empty house, she decided to move to the next house. New people had recently moved in there. They were from New York City and a lot of people in the town thought that they didn't belong and that they should go back.

Shaking off this thought, Sky started walking up the path of the house but as she approached the door her footsteps slowed and she came to a halt.

"Come on Sky" she mumbled, gripping her bag "You're a Girl Scout, you can do this" she put her bag on the ground and looked through the cookies she had "You've been waiting for this moment for years, come on. Your heart is gonna be fine. Because when you're a Girl Scout everything's gonna work out" She pulled the bag onto her back "When you're a Girl Scout everything's gonna work out" she repeated and walked towards the front door of the house with confidence "Just gotta ring the bell to this creepy looking house"

"Hello little girl" said a voice as the door opened. Sky's widened and she took in the sight of her potential client/buyer. The girl looked like a teenager and struck Sky to be a goth.

"Oh.. um.. yes, um... Hi, my name is Sky" Sky started stuttering and fiddling with her pigtails. Just stick to the script, she thought "And I'm here today to support the Girl Scouts by selling cookies." she was becoming more confident with every word "Four dollars a boxx, would you like some?"

"Sure" said the teenager with a small smile

"Really?" asked Sky with wide eyes.

"Yeah" the girl gave Sky a slightly creepy smile "What flavours you got?"
"Well I've got chocolate, banana and oat bran and pecan" Sky listed the flavours off on her finger "Samoas and thin mints oh and one that tastes like apple pie" she finished with a sweet smile.

"Why don't you come inside?" suggested the girl, stepping aside to let Sky in

"Oh we're really not supposed to," said Sky. Warning bells were going off in her head. People asking others to go into houses was always bad, her parents had taught her that.

"Why?" questioned the teenager as though she didn't see an issue

"Pedophiles" said Sky dryly. Lydia nodded "But it's so cold, and you're not mean, and no one gets molested by a gothy teen... so i guess... ok!" Sky turned to the teenager with a grin that hopefully didn't show her fear "It's fine, I'll come inside!"

"What's your name sweetheart?" asked the teenager as she led Sky inside. "Mines Lydia"

"Sky" said Sky nervously "Uhh, it's so dark in here"

"Is it?" questioned Lydia "I hadn't noticed" Sky brought her torch out and used it to look around the room "Maybe I should come back another time, when your parents are home?" she edged towards the door but bumped into something that wasn't Lydia.

"BOO!" shouted a deep gravelly voice


Adam pulled the car into the driveway and looked over at Barbara. She still looked a little queasy. She'd gotten her arm back in a cast, except it was a normal sized one and she no longer needed a sling. The doctor had poked and prodded at her arm a little and moved her wrist around to see how bad the pain was. The pain killers had yet to take effect.

"Hey, you ok?" Adam reached his hand out and placed it on her shoulder. She looked at him with a small smile

"Yeah" she sighed "just hurts... a lot" Adam lent over and kissed her. She smiled and opened the car door. They were just approaching their door when they heard heavy footsteps and turned to see little Sky running away from the Deetz house and collapsing onto the footpath. "Sky, are you ok?" asked Barbara. The girl looked up and saw Barbara. The Maitlands approached the girl, Adam keeping his distance a little because he knew his wife was better with children, she was a grade 1 teacher after all.

"H-hi" stuttered Sky

"Hey, deep breaths" said Barbara, she knelt next to Sky and watched as the girl took a few deep breaths in and out to calm her heart rate down. "Good girl, what happened? You haven't been that worked up in ages?"

"The new girl" said Sky "Lydia, she scared me"

"Oh god" Barbara looked up at Adam, who looked back at her "we'll talk to her Sky, she has a difficult life, don't hold it against her. But did you see anyone else in there?"

"There were no parents" said Sky "but there was this guy there that scared me, he had a deep voice. I ran before I could get a proper look" Barbara nodded and stood up, offering Sky a hand up

"Good job Sky, you did the right thing. Here, want to come inside and get a drink of water, maybe something to eat? You look pretty shaken" Sky nodded and followed the Maitlands inside just as a guy walked up the steps of the Deetz house. Once they were inside, Adam got Sky a glass of water and a chocolate muffin while Barbara sat with her at the table. "So, what are you doing around this street?" asked Barbara

"I'm finally allowed to sell cookies," said Sky, nodding at her bag. Barbara's face broke into a huge grin and she looked at Sky

"That's amazing, I'm so happy for you" she raised an eyebrow "willing to try selling again? I can't resist girl scout cookies"

"Sure" laughed Sky, relaxing a little and dragging her bag towards her "what flavour?"

Once she'd sold the Maitlands some thin mints, Sky kept on eyeing off Barbara's cast. "Barbara? What'd you actually do to your arm, mum just says it was bad"

"Oh I broke it in 3 places" said Barbara, looking at her cast with a grimace "it hurts a lot, but it's getting better. We were actually at the hospital getting this cast put on because before I was in a bigger one and a sling"

"Oh wow" Sky looked shocked "I'm sorry, that must be awful"

"I'll be fine" Barbara smiled at Sky. The two females were interrupted by Adam

"Sorry to interrupt" said Adam, looking out the window "but those two just scared Judy and a Pizza Delivery Guy, and a normal delivery guy, and another guy"

"We've got to stop them" said Barbara, she stood up and looked at Sky "Sorry to cut this short honey, but drop round whenever, I hope I'll see you around though, and tell Sunny I say hi"

"Will do" said Sky, swinging her bag onto her back "Thanks guys, good luck with Lydia!" the three people left the house together, and the Maitlands waved Sky off. Then they walked up the path of their next door neighbours house and rang the doorbell. It swung open and the Maitlands were greeted by a crowd of Beetlejuices.

"Sexy! Babs! So great of you to joining us" said Beetlejuice, stepping forward

"Where's Lydia?" asked Barbara"Upstairs somewhere" said Beetlejuice "But wait- guys!" The Maitlands ignored the demon and walked straight upstairs leaving the demon all alone and slightly heart broken. 

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