9 months later

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Lydia walked up to the Maitlands house after school one Friday afternoon 9 months after the whole Beetlejuice fiasco. Everyday after school, if she wanted, she could go to the Maitlands house for as long as she wanted and her father or Delia would text her when they wanted her back home.

"Adam?" called out Lydia as she unlocked the door with the key she'd been given "Barbara?"

"In the kitchen" called out Barbara. Lydia shoved her key back in her bag and walked to the kitchen. She found a very pregnant Barbara sitting there, sipping a cup of tea and looking through emails. "Hey Lydia" said Barbara "How was school"

"Boring" said Lydia, she dumped her bag by the floor and collapsed into a chair "Where's Adam? I have science and history to do"

"I can help with the history" said Barbara "and he should be back soon, he's dropping an order off." Lydia nodded and stood up to get a drink of water "Oh, Adam and I made chocolate chip cookies if you want some, they're over by the oven"

"Yum" Lydia grabbed a couple and came back to the table, putting one infront of Barbara and taking a bite of the other "Your cookies are always amazing"

"Thanks sweetheart" said Barbara "How are you at the moment?"

"I'm okay" said Lydia "A little nervous about dad and Delias wedding"

"But it's not for another 6 months" said Barbara

"Yes" said Lydia "but they've asked me to take photos, and I'm nervous I'm gonna stuff up"

"They wouldn't ask you if they didn't trust you," said Barbara. Lydia sighed and nodded. "Anything else bothering you apart from that? You've seemed a little uptight lately"

"I miss him" said Lydia after a moments silence

"Who?" asked Barbara "You don't mean Beetle-"

"Beej" confirmed Lydia quietly

"Oh" was all Barbara could say.

"Yeah... don't tell dad this but I actually tried saying his name 3 times today during maths because I was bored but nothing happened" she sighed "I didn't expect it to but it was worth a try"

"I know you guys had a lot of fun together" said Barbara, putting her hand out to Lydia "but he's probably having a blast off in the Netherworld and you've got us now" Lydia raised an eyebrow at her "Yes you guys had fun together, but he was a bad influence on you Lydia. He wanted to murder people"

"He just wanted to be seen" said Lydia

"But he wasn't afraid to hurt people to get his way" said Barbara, she patted Lydia's hand comfortingly "I know you two were friends, but that's in the past. Focus on the present"

"I know" said Lydia sadly "I just miss him" Just as she was about to say something else, the front door opened and 2 very cheerful voices filled the house.

"Thats Adam and Delia" said Barbara

"Hey guys" said Adam, entering the kitchen "How was school Lydia?"

"Boring" said the teenager "I got science work if you could help please"

"Sure" said Adam, he put his hands on Barbara's shoulders and kissed her head "How are you honey?"

"Tired" said Barbara, leaning her head on his hand "and bored, I wish I could still teach"

"So do I," said Lydia. She had been getting rides to and from school everyday with Barbara when she'd taught, but once she'd gone on maternity leave Lydia had been forced to catch the bus to school. "The school bus sucks"

"Well Lydia" said Delia "You may not have to anymore"

"What do you mean?" asked Lydia "Can I quit school?"

"No" said Delia firmly, "I just got the job at your school as a part time counsellor. So whenever I'm in you won't have to"

"Delia, oh thank god!" Lydia got up and hugged her future step-mother "Also, congratulations"

"Thank you," said Delia. She settled down in a chair next to Lydia and looked around the kitchen happily. Adam was talking to Lydia about school while rubbing Barbara's shoulders.

Later that evening the Maitlands and Deetz were having their annual Friday night get together. Tonight they were finishing the Harry Potter series off with the Deathly Hallows part 2. Charles and Delia were occupying one of the couches. Adam, Barbara and Lydia were on the other one. The movie had just finished and Lydia sleepily sat up, lifting her head off Adams' shoulder.

"We should watch fantastic beasts now" she yawned

"I second that" said Barbara

"Maybe next week" said Charles "it's a bit late for that now"

"Aww come on dad" said Lydia. "Don't be so boring" Charles was about to talk when the lights started to flicker and a gravelly voice echoed around the room.

"Yeah dad, don't be so boring"

Lydia sat up straighter and looked at the ceiling with a hopeful smile. Barbara's eyes widened and she gripped onto Adam tightly, he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close. Charles and Delia were huddled together looking scared. Evil laughter echoed throughout the room and made it shake.

"Beej?" asked Lydia loudly. "Is that you?"

"Miss me?" whispered the voice. Lydia's face broke into a wide grin as a familiar green haired demon dropped into the middle of the room. "It's Showtime

AN: Hey guys! Thats it, its over. I wanna thank each and everyone of you for reading and voting and commenting, it means a lot. I hope you've enjoyed! Now; a question. Would you guys be interested in, and read, a second book? It'd probably be Beej returning and everyone adjusting to life with him (and the Maitland baby of course). If you would like this, please let me know. If I did decide to write this second book, I do not know when it would be published but keep an eye on my announcements and page! Thanks for everything y'all. Peace out ✌️

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