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Barbara walked into the kitchen to find her husband talking to Charles, Delia and a half asleep Lydia. Smiling at the full house, she took a seat next to Adam and laid her head on his shoulder, stealing a bit of his cereal in the process.

"Good morning" he said, kissing her head "sleep well?"

"Yes" said Barbara "How about everyone else?"

"Best sleep I've had in a long time" mumbled Lydia

"Well you were pretty tired last night" said Barbara

"No" said Lydia, "I think it's the house, it feels more like home. I just feel more relaxed here. I felt it ever since I first came here"

"The house does feel more alive with you guys here" said Adam. Barbara nodded in agreement, so did Delia and eventually Charles.

"So was I the last one up?" asked Barbara, breaking the silence

"Yeah" said Adam "You only beat Lydia by 5 minutes. It's understandable that you two were the most tired, you went through a lot"

"I never apologised properly" said Lydia, sitting up straighter and looking at Barbara "I'm sorry for accidentally exorcising you"

"It's alright sweetheart" said Barbara "You didn't mean to"

"But I feel like it's my fault" said Lydia, guilt washing over her face "I did that to you. You shouldn't have had to go through that, if I hadn't been so desperate to find mum and stopped to realise what i have at home-"

"Lydia" said Barbara "I don't blame you, I don't hold it against you. And I'm fine aren't I? No harm done"


"No" said Barbara, she got up and stood in front of the teenager "don't mention it again" Lydia reluctantly nodded "can I have a hug now?" Lydia smiled and wrapped her arms around Barbara. Charles watched the two of them hug and realised his daughter was the most relaxed he'd seen her in months.

"So" said Charles "I've booked someone to come and look at the wall tomorrow, so Delia you'll have to supervise that please, I'll try to get off work but I can't count on it" Delia nodded, sipping her coffee "What are you two doing tomorrow?" he asked the Maitlands "because Lydia doesn't start school until next week"

"I have work" said Barbara "but Adam is home"

"Oh. What do you do?" asked Charles

"I'm a teacher at the local primary school, I teach grade 1" said Barbara with a smile when she thought about her students. "If you want tomorrow Adam can watch Lydia, he'd love to get to know her more" Adam nodded as his wife voiced his exact thoughts. "Oh and also today, I'd be very happy to come and clean the house, I feel partly responsible for the mess and I would feel better if I did help"

"Well if it's not too much trouble we'd love to have your help" said Charles. He looked at his daughter, who was still clinging onto Barbara "Lydia, why don't you head upstairs and get changed then we'll go back home"

"Na" said Lydia "I got a good dress at home"

"Ok then" he looked at the Maitlands "shall we head off?"

"Sure," said Adam. He stood up and started walking towards the door with Delia and Charles. Lydia and Barbara followed, Lydia staying glued to Barbara's side.

"Wait!" Lydia connected her phone up to the speakers "We can't clean without a little music" she put her music playlist on shuffle and the fist song that came on made her father smile in a way she'd never seen before.

"Your mother loved this song" he said

"Wanna dance?" asked Lydia. She took her father's hand and they did a small little shuffle step, him spinning her around. Delia watched them with a smile as she and the Maitlands grabbed cleaning supplies and started sweeping all the chunks of wall into a pile by the hole.

"Lydia you have such great taste" said Adam with a smile "I love this song"

"Of course you do" laughed Lydia, she glanced over at Barbara, who was smiling lovingly at her husband.

They spent the whole morning dancing around and tidying up the house so by 12 it looks clean apart from the massive hole in the wall. Lydia had had the best time she'd had since her mum died. At one point, her dad and Adam had each grabbed one of her legs and swung her around the room. The 4 adults were all getting along really well, despite Barbara's previous dislike of Delia.

Later that afternoon, the 5 people were relaxing in the Maitlands house. Charles wasn't exactly relaxing, he was emailing people about who knows what. Delia was in deep conversation with Adam and Barbara was talking to Lydia.

"Think he'll come back?" asked Lydia

"If he does" said Barbara, standing up "he'll have me to go through"

"Ok" smiled Lydia "Where are you going?"

"Gotta get dinner started" said Barbara "what do you feel like?"

"I don't mind" said Lydia "Maybe ask Delia though, because she's vegan"

"Oh really?" asked Barbara. Lydia nodded. Barbara walked over to her husband and Delia and tapped Adam on the shoulder to grab their attention. "What do you guys want for dinner?" she asked

"I don't mind hon" said Adam "but let me help, you still can't lift heavy stuff"

"I know" groaned Barbara, she looked at Delia "I hear you're vegan, anything in particular you want me to make or not make?"

"I'm just fine with eating salad" said Delia

"Ooh!" said Barbara, perking up "I have so many veggies in the garden, maybe you can come with me and pick some out. There's lettuce, tomato, cucumber, broccoli-"

"Who the frick wants broccoli in a salad?" cut in Lydia

"Sounds lovely Barbara" said Delia. The two women got up and left.

That evening was a very relaxed one. The Deetz and Maitlands felt very at home together and it felt natural despite it being their second day together. They'd decided after dinner that they'd watch a movie together, just to wrap up the crazy week they'd just had, nicely. Lydia had chosen Star Wars and the 5 people were all watching it. Charles and Delia were sitting side by side on the couch, Delia's head on Charles' shoulder. Adam and Barbara were curled up in an armchair together, Barbara on Adams lap and pretty much asleep. Lydia had claimed the other armchair and was hugging a pillow to her chest, covered in a blanket. By the end of the movie, Barbara and Lydia were asleep. Charles and Delia bid the Maitlands goodnight and went upstairs to bed, Charles carrying his sleeping daughter. Adam reluctantly woke his wife up and together they locked the house up, turned all the lights off and went to bed as well. 

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