Chapter Two: Bookworms

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Draco woke up around six in the morning. Hermione's bed was made and empty. He quickly got dressed for the day. Since there were no houses he just wore a white button up shirt and a black tie. He didn't even care about the absence of houses. Houses tended to complicate things anyways. He grabbed his favorite book at the moment, Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, and hurried down the stairs to the common room. Hermione was already down there. She was sitting on the couch with her knees pulled up to her chest and a book in front of her nose. Draco began to make them coffee. "What type of coffee do you want, Hermione?" Hermione looked up at him in shock. "Me?" She asked. He rolled his eyes. "No. The girl standing behind you!" He said sarcastically. She grinned. He chuckled. "Just get me anything." She replied. Draco nodded and went to work making the coffee. Hermione watched him as he did so. He was different. and trusting. He was happier! He was like a whole different person. "What do you want to know?" He asked with a sigh as he handed her her coffee. She looked at him in confusion. "You have a look that you get on your face whenever your curious." He explained with a grin. She was hesitant to ask but she really did want to know. "What happened to your parents?" She asked quietly. "Oh, they're in Azkaban for child abuse and association with Voldermort." He said calmly. She understood the Voldermort part...but child abuse? To who? Then, it dawned on her. They abused Draco. No wonder he looked happier now that they were in Azkaban. "Who do you live with now?" She asked. "My aunt. Andromeda Tonks. She's really sweet." He said with a big smile on his face. Hermione was happy for him. He deserved to be happy for once. From the new information Hermione had just received, he had never really had a good home life. Eventually, their conversation died down and they both took out their books. Sitting shoulder to shoulder, they read their books. That's how the rest of the kids in the old Slytherin dorm found them. And you know what, Draco didn't even care that they all found him with Hermione. That's when he knew that he would never care what they thought again.

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