Chapter Eight: A Long Week At A Burrow

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The train ride from Hogwarts was excruciatingly nerve wracking. Draco tried his best to calm her down but she was still nervous to be at the Burrow with her ex boyfriend. The second Hermione stepped off the Hogwarts Express, she was tackled by a tall boy with messy hair and round glasses and a shirt girl with long red hair. They looked at Draco, who had walked out behind her, and much to everyone else's surprise, both Ginny and Harry hugged him. Draco apologized to Harry and Harry apologized to Draco. They shook hands like civilized human beings and then they both got to talking about Quidditch. "He seems a lot nicer." Ginny commented quietly. Hermione nodded. "He is. We need to keep him away from Ron though. He saw the last letter Ron sent me and got fired up. He didn't like how Ron was talking to me." Ginny smiled. "He is so in love with you." She muttered just loud enough for Hermione to hear. Hermione blushed. "I'm in love with him too." She whispered back. Ginny laughed. "Dracie!" Everyone looked up to see Andromeda Tonks rushing across the platform. "Aunt Meda!" Draco shouted happily as she pulled him into a hug. Wow! Ginny mouthed. Harry walked over to Hermione and Ginny. "Hey, Hermione. I really am-" Hermione cut him off. "Don't mention it." She hugged him and he smiled graciously. Harry couldn't help but love how lucky he was to have gotten such great friends. Hermione didn't even notice that Ron was sulking over by his mother and father. "Alright! Come on! Let's get going kids!" Arthur Weasley said after a little bit. Draco gave Hermione a hug and kissed her forehead before he left with his aunt. Ron glared in Draco's direction as he walked off. The Burrow looked just like it had the last time Hermione had visited. Hermione was staying with Ginny up in her room. That's where they were when Ron burst in. His face as red as his hair. Harry, Ginny, and Hermione all looked up in shock. "So?! You're just gonna abandon me for this Ferret lover!" He shouted at Harry. Harry was shocked. He took one look at Hermione and could tell that she had seen this side of Ron before. No wonder she had ended things with him. "Mate, calm down. We're all friends. Remember?" Harry said softly. Ginny and Hermione didn't say anything. George had heard the commotion and was standing behind Ron. Ron hadn't seen him yet. "And you!" Ron continued as he pointed at Hermione. "You're just a trickster and a liar and a snake! You and Malfoy really are made for each other!" That made Hermione's blood boil. She stood up so that she was facing him. "Don't you dare insult Draco! He treats me a lot better than you ever did!" Ron pulled his hand back! And before anyone could stop him he slapped Hermione hard enough that he left a bruise! Hermione was in shock. She couldn't believe him! He had never hit her before! George grabbed his little brother and began to drag him away from Hermione. By this point, Mr. Weasley had also come up to see what all the screaming was about. He had entered the room just in time to see Ron slap Hermione. Together, Harry, Mr. Weasley, and George were able to get Ron downstairs to the kitchen. Hermione felt the tears coming and hurried to the bathroom. She locked herself in, put a charm that prevented Alohomora on the door, and sat down on the floor. She couldn't believe this. Ron used to be her best friend and now... "Mione! Let me in!" Ginny was hollering from the other side of the door. But Hermione ignored her. It was nearly an hour later when she heard the voice she wanted to hear the most right now. "Where is she?" She heard Draco asking Harry. Hermione couldn't hear Harry's answer but she heard Draco's footsteps as he followed Harry up the stairs. "Mione?" She heard Draco say softly from the other side of the door. She reached up to the doorknob and unlocked it. Draco slid in through the open door and then shut it behind him again. He sat down in front of her. Their knees were touching. He turned sideways in the small bathroom and wrapped his arms around her. She let him hold her for nearly 30 minutes until she was calmed down. Finally, she followed Draco out of the bathroom. Ginny brought her to Molly. Molly Weasley checked her cheek and put some kind of ointment on it. Draco stayed with her the entire time. "Where is he?" He asked Ginny once they were away from Mrs. Weasley. Hermione shook her head. "Not now." Draco nodded and wrapped a protective arm around her waist. He pulled her a little bit closer to him as they walked up the stairs. "I'm gonna go find Harry." Ginny told them once she showed Draco where Hermione was staying. Hermione nodded. Ginny hurried down the stairs and went to look for her boyfriend. "Are you alright, Dracie?" Hermione asked as she saw Draco's furious expression. Draco smiled softly. "You have a bruised cheek and you're asking me if I'm okay? This is why I love you." He said with a laugh. Hermione smiled. She layed down on her bed and patted the spot beside her. By the time Ginny and Harry came back, Draco and Hermione were both asleep. Draco had his arms wrapped protectively around her, even in his sleep, and Hermione was curled up in his arms with her head on his chest. Harry and Ginny decided to just let Draco stay the night instead of waking him and Hermione up. The next morning was fairly easy. There were no fights and George seemed to accept that Draco had changed. Ron, on the other hand, had dissapeared in the middle of the night. He had left a note for his parents saying that he'd come back after the Ferret and the Ferret Lover were gone. Hermione tried to not dwell on this fact. Draco left later that day and the rest of Hermione's week at the Burrow went smoothly. It was just like old times, except they were missing several familiar red heads.

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