Chapter Six: More Letters

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Dear Hermione,

I can't believe you! You're just gonna get with that ferret! You deserve better than him! He's not good for you and he doesn't care about you the way I did! You need to think about what you're doing!


Hermione scowled. That moron didn't know what he was talking about. And besides, Draco was treating her better than Ron ever had. She read the letter from Harry next.

Dear Hermione,

I know. I was an awful friend! And I truly am sorry but all I want right now is my best friend back! I don't care about you and Ron's relationship anymore! I just need my friend back. I am so sorry for how I treated you. Please forgive me.

Hermione was still furious at him for the way he had treated her, but she still loved him. Finally, she made it to Ginny's letter.

Dear Hermione,

You're telling me that you're staying in an empty house with Draco on the second week of break?! That is insane Hermione! I'm so happy for you! He obviously treats you better than my idiot of a brother did! Just... be careful. I know he's changed a lot but I still don't want him to break your heart. I did not tell Ron about you and Draco! He stole your letter from my room! He's obsessed with you! Good luck dealing with him on Christmas. I'll see you tomorrow!

She quickly wrote Harry back.

Dear Harry,
I forgive you, but I still can't forgive Ron just yet. He was even worse than you were. I'd like you to know that I like Draco Malfoy and I think he likes me too. Please don't be mad. I already have to deal with Ron's temper when I get back to the Burrow. He is furious with me. I refuse to forgive Ron until he apologizes. I hope you and Ginny are doing great!

With Love,

She then got to work on Ron's letter.

Dear Ron,

I'll talk to you when I get to the Burrow tomorrow.


She didn't write Ginny back because all of the stuff she had wrote about could be addressed tomorrow. She turned off her wand light right when Draco walked into their shared room. "Who are you writing to?" He asked as he flopped down onto his bed. "Ginny and Harry." She said. She didn't lie, but she didn't tell him the whole truth either. She didn't want him to think that she was still in love with Ron. So, she didn't mention him. It didn't take her very long at all to get to sleep that night. But Draco was still awake around two in the morning. And that's when another letter from Ron came in. Unfortunately, Draco saw the name.

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