Chapter Fourteen: A Talk With McGonagall

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It was 9 days until the dance and 10 days until they graduated.

Hermione couldn't wait until the dance! But she was so scared to dance with her boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, who, in her opinion, was the best boyfriend on the planet. "Miss Granger?" Hermione turned around and saw a tired looking Professor McGonagall walking her way. "Yes ma'am?" Hermione asked timidly. Her interaction with Professor McGonagall was very limited and tended to only occur when she was with Harry and Ron. "I would like you to follow me to my office." McGonagall stated simply. Her face was cold and expressionless. McGonagall turned sharply on her heels and headed towards her office. Hermione quickly walked after her. The walk to McGonagall's office was agonizingly long to Hermione. She was terrified of getting expelled. Once they entered her office McGonagall sat down on one side of her desk and motioned for Hermione to sit across from her. Hermione sat down primly. She clasped her hands to stop their shaking. "Would you like some tea, Miss Granger?" Hermione shook her head. "Well, that isn't the reason I brought you here anyways." McGonagall admitted quietly. Hermione sat up even straighter. Her fear intensified. "Hermione, I would like to congratulate you on being the top in your year!" McGonagall said proudly. Hermione jumped up excitedly. She couldn't believe it! After all her hard work, this day had finally come! She was the top in her year! McGonagall and Hermione talked for an hour or so more before Hermione ran back to the Slytherin dorms. Draco was sitting on the couch with Ginny and Harry when she dashed in. They looked at her in surprise as she nearly tripped over the carpet in her hurry to get to them. Draco stood up and looked at her in concern. "What's wrong, Mione!?" Hermione laughed and began jumping up and down. Harry looked genuinely concerned now. "Hermione? Are you having a stroke?" He asked carefully. Ginny stared at her, torn between confusion and concern. Hermione shook her head and continued to jump up and down. Draco grabbed her shoulders and forced her to stop jumping. "Hermione, stop before you give yourself a heart attack and tell us what's going on." He said calmly. "I'm... top... of our... year!" She shrieked breathlessly. Draco shrieked in excitement for his girlfriend. He picked her up by her waist and spun her around excitedly. "I knew you could do it, Mione!" He said lovingly as he pulled her to his chest. Her feet were still dangling nearly two inches off the ground as he hugged her. Draco released Hermione and Ginny rushed over to her. "Yes! Mione! You are awesome!" Hermione laughed at Ginny's praises. Harry clapped Hermione on the back proudly. Hermione grinned. "Let's have a party!" Ginny suggested loudly. Hermione nodded excitedly. "That would be amazing!" She shrieked. After sending out a message alerting a the Seventh years of the party, Hermione was dragged upstairs by Ginny to get ready. "I can't believe they're late to their own party!" Harry shouted to Draco over the loud music. Draco smiled. "That's Ginny and Hermione for you!" Harry laughed. Suddenly, he stopped laughing. His eyes had drifted over to the stairs. Hermione and Ginny were standing at the top of the stairs, blushing. Draco and Harry stared, open mouthed, at them. Hermione looked down at her hands as embarrassment filled her. She could feel the heat rushing up to her cheeks. Draco crossed the room and stood at the bottom of the stairs. Harry quickly followed in his footsteps. Draco smiled gently up at Hermione. She broke away from her embarrassment and her nerves and walked gracefully down the stairs to meet him. He caught her hand in his as she made it to the bottom of the stairs. She grinned as he twirled her slowly. Harry watched as Ginny fiercely, and gracefully, strutted down the stairs. If Hermione was ice then Ginny was fire, fierce, wild, loud, and protective. Hermione was cool, calm, collected, and intelligent. They were complete opposites. But they were best friends nonetheless. "Hey Gin." Harry said breathlessly. She rolled her eyes. "Just kiss me already, Chosen One." She said sassily. Harry laughed. Hermione was dancing with Draco on the outskirts of the dance floor. "Can I tell you something?" Hermione whispered into Draco's ear. Her shaking voice revealed her fear. He raised his eyebrows at her expectantly. "I might be in love with you." She admitted quietly. Draco laughed. "Might?" "It depends." Hermione said slyly, her eyes shining. "On?" "On how good your coffee is." She said teasingly. He laughed and pulled her into a kiss. "I love you too, Mione." He said softly once they separated.

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