Chapter Seventeen: Saving Hermione and Neville

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It was 6 days until the dance and 7 days until they graduated.

Hermione was walking the corridors with a timid Neville when Harry and Ginny came flying out of nowhere on Harry's firebolt. Hermione and Neville stared wide eyed as they did several loop the loops near the castle's ceiling. They were both screaming in delight, even when McGonagall stepped out of her office to see what the commotion was. Several students had gathered in the halls to see the show already. Hermione was paying so much attention to Harry and Ginny that she didn't even see McGonagall coming until she felt a hand grab her shoulder, and Neville's shoulder and yank them backwards. They fell through a tapestry that covered a secret passage and landed on top of Draco. They all listened as McGonagall not only gave Harry and Ginny detention, she also gave every single person in the audience detention. Hermione and Neville had just managed to escape the same fate thanks to Draco. "Thanks Draco." Neville said lightly as he stood up and brushed the dust off his pants. Hermione gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as a thank you. "You two are such a cute couple." Neville commented from the corner. Draco laughed as Hermione turned crimson. "Shut up, Ferret." She muttered. That just made him laugh even harder. Neville rolled his eyes, waved goodbye to them and then followed the passage to his next class. Draco wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at Hermione. She shoved him out of the way. "Get to class, dork." She said teasingly. He laughed. "Did I ever tell you how cute you are, Granger?" Draco asked teasingly. "You don't have to tell me that dear. I already knew it." She said arrogantly as she turned the corner. She could hear Draco's echoing laugh as it bounced off the walls.

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