Chapter Twenty: A Day To Remember

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It is the day of graduation.

Hermione watched silently as Draco climbed out of bed and began packing his things, she had packed her trunk last night. "Are you gonna get up soon, lazy?" Draco asked teasingly as she watched him move gracefully around the room to locate his stuff. She shrugged. "Maybe." He chuckled. Even though Draco would never admit it, he was gonna miss Hogwarts. He would also never admit to anyone but Hermione that Hermione was the one in charge in their relationship. She was the boss. Eventually, he had everything packed. "Ready to go?" He asked Hermione as she came back in from the bathroom. She crossed her arms over her sweater and her denim skirt wrinkled as she changed her weight over to her left foot. She nodded slowly. He sensed her reluctance and walked over to where she stood. "Don't worry, love." He said as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "We'll be together no matter what." She smiled as she placed her hands on top of his. "You, Draco Lucius Malfoy, are the best thing that ever happened to me." She said as she leaned forward so that their foreheads were against each other. "I know." Hermione laughed. "You're such a dork!" She gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. He grinned. They met Ginny and Harry downstairs a little bit later. Hermione and Draco both ignored the, nearly invisible, red rims of Ginny's eyes. Harry was carrying both Ginny and his trunks as they stepped out into the corridor. Once they reached the Great Hall, they ate in a thoughtful silence as they waited for Professor McGonagall to tell them they could leave. Eventually, she stood up and clapped her hands together once. The chatter from the excited students died down immediately. She smiled gently at everyone. "This year has been an exciting year! A different year, but exciting nonetheless. Especially for out seventh years. I hope all of my Seventh Years grow to have a good and joyful life. I will always love you all. Now, if you are a Seventh Year, please follow Hagrid. You will go out the way you first came in." With that, she sat down and clasped her hands tightly in her lap. And Hermione couldn't be for sure, but she thought she saw a single tear roll down Mcgonagall's cheek. Harry, Ginny, Draco, and Hermione all got up and followed Hagrid out to the boats that they had arrived in in their first year. Once they arrived at the Hogwarts Express, the four kids quickly found a compartment together. They were all excited for the end of the year, but sad to leave Hogwarts. All of their families were waiting for them in a large group on the platform when they arrived. And for once, Draco got to see what their families would look like combined. And honestly, he loved it.

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