Chapter Three: Letters

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Hogwarts has been very different its first week open. Everyone was still learning the new changes and trying their best to get used to everything being so different. So, in the middle of all the stress it was strange to see some of the most unlikely friendships blossoming. For instance, Hannah Abbott and Neville. Classes were over for the day so Hermione was writing with Ginny, who, even though her brother didn't want her to, was still a very good friend of hers. Ginny's newest letter has just arrived.

Dear Hermione,

No, I'm sorry. I haven't made any progress with Ron but Harry asked me if I could ask you to write him! That's better than nothing, Mione! Just remember, I will always be here for you. No matter how big of a baby my brother is being. George is doing better I suppose. He still misses Fred like crazy though. We did manage to get him to leave his room. But he looked awful and he's still not talking. I'm sure he'll be fine though, he's incredibly strong. It's just gonna take a while for him to move on. And what do you mean Malfoy compliment you?! That's insane! I thought he hated you!
Hermione laughed. She had thought Draco hated her too.

I mean don't get me wrong, Mione! You're a gorgeous girl with a great sense of humor and the intelligence on top of it all but Malfoy! Complimenting you?! Are we sure he wasn't making a very dumb insult that was dumber down to the point where even I couldn't understand it!
Hermione always had loved reading Ginny's letters. She made sense. She wasn't a dreamer like Hermione was. She could see right through a lie. Which is why it frustrates her that even Ginny seemed to be having a hard time figuring out Draco's motives.

And what do you mean there are no houses? Its Hogwarts! Its entire existence is based off of Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor! How can Hogwarts have no houses!? Also, Ron has been bugging me to check and see if you're over him. Please tell me you are. I hope you write back soon!
With Loads of love,
Ginny Weasley

Hermione grabbed a peice of parchment and a quill and began to write a letter for Pigwidgeon to take back to the Burrow.

Dear Ginny,

Thank you for trying to budge Ron, but can I be honest here? I don't really care anymore. I'm completely over him and after the way he treated me I don't really care about his feelings anymore! Tell him I said that and tell him to stop bugging you about me! I'm sick of it! And don't worry about George. He just needs time. I mean, come on, Fred and George were inseparable! That's going to take its toll on him. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason that he stays in his room all the time is because he can feel like Fred Is still there. And yes! Malfoy did compliment me! And yesterday morning, he made me coffee and we had a decent conversation for once! He even called me Hermione instead of Mudblood or Granger! He called me Hermione! Can you believe that?! Also, did you know that Lucius and Narcissa abused Draco? He told me so this morning. J feel bad for him. Maybe that's why he was such a jerk? He was just trying to please his parents? And yes, there are no houses at Hogwarts. We're all in either the Slytherin common room or the Hufflepuff common room. I'm in the Slytherin common room and I'm also sharing a room with Draco. We were lucky enough that it's only the two of us in that room. Did you know that Draco snores like crazy? He kept waking me up last night so I threw a pillow at him. He stopped after that. I will write to Harry. I'll send his letter with yours. I love you Gin Gin!

Once Hermione finished her letter to Ginny, she wrote a short letter to Harry.

Dear Harry,
So? Are you done ignoring me now? You were such a jerk to me! Why would you even do that!? Me and Ron's relationship has nothing to do with you. I hope you are alright and I hope you write back soon.

Hermione Granger

Hermione was fuming. How could he just ditch her for Ron the second something happened between them? It wasn't right. She quickly tied both of the letters to the tiny owl's leg and sent him off. That night, she had a hard time sleeping. "You okay?" Draco asked groggily when he woke up and saw her rolling around. Hermione rolled so that she was facing him. "I'm good Draco. I just can't sleep." He sat up and stretched. "I'll make us some coffee." He told her as he started to get up. "You don't have to, Draco!" Hermione told him. "You can go back to sleep." He shook his head. "I can't. I had a nightmare." Hermione nodded. He took that as agreement and went downstairs to make coffee. Hermione grabbed an oversized hoodie, a pair of short shorts, and her black house shoes. Once she had her hair pulled back into two pigtails she hurried downstairs after Draco. He was already at work making the coffee when Hermione plopped down onto the couch. Hermione watched as he quickly got the coffee ready. Once he was done, he brought it over to her and placed it into her outstretched hands. They didn't talk this morning. But around 3 AM, Hermione and Draco fell asleep on the couch together.

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