Chapter Four: Using You For The Coffee

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Draco and Hermione were becoming the best of friends...and the biggest talk around Hogwarts. Draco walked Hermione to class most mornings not to mention that they were normally found in the common room before classes. Hermione didn't like the attention, but she wouldn't leave her friend's side for the world. Hermione was worried though. Christmas Break was closing in and Hermione's parents had already decided at the first of the year that she was staying at the Burrow for Christmas. Which, Hermione was fine with at the time because her and Ron were still together. But now she had to go deal with her ex boyfriend and his judgmental tendencies. She could already tell that Christmas was going to stink. "Mione!" Hermione heard Draco exclaim excitedly as he ran up beside her. Hermione stopped walking. "What is it Draco?" She asked curiously. "I just got some news from my aunt! She's going away this Christmas!" He said with a big grin on his face. "And?" Hermione felt like she was missing a big part of this conversation. "And I'm inviting you over for the second week of Christmas Break!" He said with a smirk. "I know, Mione. I'm the best." She laughed at his cockiness. "You're such a dork, Draco." He chuckled. "So? Do you want to stay with me?" Hermione nodded. "Absolutely!" Hermione wrote to Ginny that night to tell her the news.

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