Chapter Seven: Argument

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The next morning, Hermione woke up at her normal time and headed downstairs to see Draco. She had all but forgotten about the letters from the day before. She would be leaving Hogwarts in a couple of hours so she wanted to spend her time with Draco. He was already waiting for her on the couch. "Mornin' Draco!" She said brightly as she pulled on the bottom of her sweatshirt. He didn't say anything. "Are you alright, Dracie?" She asked warily. "You got another letter from Ron." He muttered. She froze. "Yeah, you conveniently left his name out of the people you were writing to yesterday." Hermione looked at him, confused. "That's a touchy subject when it comes to you. I didn't want to bring it up if it was unnecessary." She explained. "I didn't think you would think of it badly." He glared at her. "How would you feel if I was owling back and forth with Pansy?" Jealousy clouded her logic. She didn't answer. "Exactly." He said. "We're not even together." She muttered. He scowled. "Well, I don't know about you Mione but I was hoping we would become something." Hermione looked at him in surprise. "You like me?" She asked quietly. He rolled his eyes. "Of course I do, idiot." He said with a sigh. He stood up so that he was facing her. "Is there anything going on between you and Ron." She shook her head. Then, she handed him the letter from Ron. "Read it yourself, Dracie." He took the letter from her anxiously. Then, he read it.

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