Chapter Eighteen: Girl's Day

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It was 5 days until the dance and 6 days until they graduated.

Ginny and Hermione had decided to have a girl's day, much to their boyfriend's dismay. Hermione, Ginny, and Luna had immediately planned to hit Hogsmeade the next day for their girl's day. They weren't even staying in their dorms the next night! They were using the Room of Requirement. Draco and Harry were not very pleased by this. "Is this really necessary?" Harry begged as Ginny ignored him completely. You see, they couldn't talk to any boys for the rest of the day. Hermione was having a rougher time ignoring Draco though. "Hermione? Please answer me!" He said pleadingly to Hermione. Hermione tried her best to keep from replying to the begging Draco. The boys had a plan. They were going to get the girls to blow their girl's day. Luna had already said she couldn't come. So it would only be Hermione and Ginny. Ginny scowled as she strutted to the Slytherin common room, Harry was whimpering behind her like a hurt puppy dog the entire time. She met Hermione in the common room. Harry was still right behind her. "This has got to stop." Ginny complained as she stopped in front of Hermione. Ginny had a furious fire burning in her eyes. She peered over Hermione's shoulder and saw a pitiful looking Draco sitting right behind her. Ginny groaned. "Him too?" She asked angrily. Hermione nodded. Her annoyance with Draco was, at the moment, top level. Everything he was doing today was annoying the bejeezus out of her. "We need to lose these dogs!" Ginny shrieked. Hermione sighed. "I don't think there's a way to, Gin." She said resignedly. Ginny scowled. "They are impossible!" Harry's pleading face appeared over Ginny's shoulder. "But you love us!" He said as he dashed back down to avoid the fist Ginny shot towards his face. Hermione laughed as Ginny chased Harry through the room. She had a glare on her face that would've melted a weaker man into a quivering puddle. Draco watched in amusement as Harry ducked behind an armchair to avoid the spells Ginny was now shooting his way. She had almost impeccable aim. Draco quickly took advantage of Hermione's distraction. He used a levitation spell to lift her nearly 6 feet in the air. She shrieked. "I'll let you down as soon as you call off the girl's day, beautiful." He said teasingly. "Draco!" She shrieked. She hated heights. Harry laughed as Hermione floated over towards him with her arms crossed angrily over her chest. Draco smiled innocently as Ginny's death glare fell on him instead of her boyfriend. But even she had to laugh when Hermione actually cursed as she accidentally did a flip. "What the crap, Hermione?! I didn't know you knew what cussing was!" Ginny said as Hermione glared at her. "Clumsy on the ground and clumsy floating." Harry muttered as Hermione collided with him. They ended up not doing the girl's day. But they had fun, regardless.

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