Chapter Ten: Back To Hogwarts We Go

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Hermione and Draco were back at Hogwarts. Their week together had gone by very fast. But, there was a big surprise for them when they got back to Hogwarts. Ginny and Harry had both came back for the last half of the year! Hermione was ecstatic! Harry and Draco had begun to get along really well and Hermione and Ginny had had even more girl time lately. It was a great year. Hermione and Draco still had a whole dorm to themselves though. You see, Harry and Ginny were staying in a dorm at the Hufflepuff common room. One day at Transfiguration, McGonagall gave them all some exciting news. "Good news kids!" Everyone hushed up at once. "To celebrate the end of their education there will be a ball, like the Yule Ball, for the Seventh Years! We're calling it a Graduation Ball! The only way someone from a lower year can attend is if their date is a seventh year. Ok! Head on to lunch!" Ginny caught Hermione after class. "Did you hear about the Graduation Ball?" She asked excitedly. Hermione nodded. "I can't wait! Are you going with Harry?" Ginny nodded. "He just asked me!" Hermione laughed at her friends excitement. "Are you going with Draco?" Ginny asked. Hermione shrugged. "I would think so. But he still hasn't made us official so I'm not sure." Ginny scowled. Harry ran up to the two girls right when Ginny's face contorted into a scowl. "What's up?" He asked when he saw Ginny's face. "We have to do something." Ginny said quietly. Hermione watched in confusion. "The Ferret still hasn't made Hermione and him official." She said sourly. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Harry James Potter! You're in charge of making him make them official. Got that?" Harry saluted. "Yes ma'am!" Ginny smiled and strutted off. "I'm scared of her!" Harry whispered to Hermione. Hermione laughed. "She'll definitely knock the crap out of you." She agreed. Harry laughed and ran after Ginny. That night, Hermione stayed down in the common room instead of going up to bed at her normal time. Around three, Draco got up and went downstairs to check on her. She was sitting on the couch reading. Somehow, she was still wide awake. He stood behind her and rested his head on her shoulder. "Why are you still up?" He asked with a yawn. "Reading." She replied. "Are you gonna come up to bed anytime soon?" Draco asked. He was starting to get concerned. It wasn't like her to stay up so late. Hermione nodded. "In a little bit." Now he really was worried. He sat down beside her and took the book gently from her hands. He set the book on the coffee table and took her face in between his hands so that she was looking at him. "What's wrong Mione?" She sighed. "I just got worried. It's nothing." He smiled softly. "Except it obviously is." Hermione finally gave in. "Its haven't made us official and you haven't even asked me to go to the ball with you yet. It got me worried." Draco laughed. "If that's all that you're worried about then I can fix that easily." He stood up, pulling her up with him. He put her hands in each of his hands. "Hermione Jean Granger, will you be my girlfriend and my date to the Graduation Ball?" Hermione laughed. "Yes you numbskull." He picked her up bridal style. "Time for a threshold!" He said sarcastically. "You idiot! We're not married yet!" Hermione shrieked. Draco laughed and continued to carry her up the stairs.

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