Chapter Five: Good Grades

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Everyone at Hogwarts was used to Hermione and Draco's weird friendship. If you saw Hermione you saw Draco and vice versa. Hermione had even begun tutoring him! In heropinion, he was a much better student than Ron and Harry combined. Draco only needed the tutoring because he had missed a lot of things in his sixth year. But neither Hermione nor Draco brought that up much. They were both ready to move on past all of the Voldermort crap and just live happily. "Alright! What do I have to get on my next test to pass Charms?" Draco asked quietly, they were in the library. Hermione pursued her lips. "An E." She whispered. Draco's face fell. "This is gonna be harder than I thought." He admitted. Hermione nodded. She wasn't about to sugarcoat things. Around one in the morning, Madam Pince kicked them out of the library. She was grumbling the entire time. They went straight to bed when they got there. The next morning, Draco was a nervous wreck. So, Hermione made the coffee. "Thanks, Mione." He said graciously as he took the steaming coffee cup from her. "Its not as good as yours, but it will have to do, I suppose." She said with a sigh. He chuckled. "You're so pessimistic." She smiled. "Dreaming isn't free." She countered back. He laughed. "It definitely isn't." He agreed. Charms was the one class that Hermione and Draco didn't have together. So, nervously they separated and headed their opposite directions. Hermione wouldn't see him again until the next period, which was a free period. By the time Hermione made it to the common room Draco was already waiting on the couch for her to arrive. There were only a couple of other people in the common room when Hermione arrived. "Well?" She asked warily. Draco's was emotionless. Suddenly, he sprung up from the couch and grabbed her waist. And then, she was spinning through the air. She laughed and Draco was grinning wildly. He let her slow down and then he pulled her into a hug. "Good job!" She said as she hugged him. She heard the other kids laughing at them. "You two are such a cute couple." Someone commented as they walked past. Both Draco and Hermione blushed crimson. "Let's celebrate!" Hermione exclaimed. Quickly she pulled out her wand and, released a message to each and every seventh year alerting them that there was a party in the Slytherin common room. The rest of the day went by slowly for the bored seventh years. They all wanted to party. Finally, the time came. After Draco changed into blue jeans and a T-shirt, Hermione rushed upstairs to change as well. It took her forever but Hermione eventually decided on short red overalls and a white shirt. She even dug out her gray converse hightops. She looked great. And the best part, she wasn't trying to be anyone other than herself. The party was going great when Hermione came down the stairs. Several couples were dancing in the center of the common room and several kids were sitting or leaning against the wall as they hoped someone would dance with them. Hermione didn't see Draco anywhere. So, she went and leaned against the wall. Suddenly, a boy from Gryffindor appeared beside her. "Hey, princess. You want a drink?" She ignored him. "Hello? Princess?" He tried to grab her arm but she dodged him. That's when he got mad. But then, a tall guy with platinum blonde hair stepped in between them. The Gryffindor stared up at Draco warily. "Get lost." Draco growled. The Gryffindor took off running. Draco looked back at Hermione. "You okay, Mione?" He asked, genuinely concerned. Hermione nodded. "Thanks to you." He smiled. He bowed dramatically and put a hand out for her to take. "A dance m'lady?" He asked sarcastically. "Why of course fair sir." She said teasingly. They joined hands and hurried to where everyone was dancing. With a flick of his wand, he turned on a slow song. Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Draco smiled softly at Hermione as she blushed. She hadn't seen him change the songs. He pulled her to him and put one hand on her waist and took one of her hands in his own. She place a hand on her shoulder. They spun until the song ended. It magic. She knew she was in love right then. After the party, they headed up to their room. Hermione fell asleep but Draco watched as the sun slowly begun to rise before he went to sleep. The next morning, they had classes all day. Except, Draco and Hermione skipped and hung out in the Forbidden Forest all day. At dinner time, they made their way to the Great Hall with Hermione on Draco's back. "Lazy brat." He complained teasingly. "Stop whining." She told him. He huffed. "Did Weasley ever have to deal with this crap?" He asked. He wanted to know if she ranked him and Weasley in the same category. Hermione rested her head lightly on his shoulder. "Nope. This is just a you thing." She said quietly. He grinned.

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