Chapter Twelve: Apology Letters

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12 days until the dance and 13 until they left Hogwarts for good. Hermione was counting down. She felt equally excited and sad. "What are you reading, princess?" Draco asked as Hermione read a letter from Ron. She held it up in front of his face. "Ron sent it to me." She stated simply. Draco grabbed it and began to read.

Dear Hermione,
You're right. I treated you horribly. But do not think that for one second, I enjoyed your pain. I love you and I always will. I know Draco will treat you well. I saw how he treats you. He's kind and forgiving and treats like you're the best thing that happened to him. But I also know that you'll be happier without me in your life.

Draco looked up at Hermione. A single tear was shining on her cheek. "Keep reading." She said, her voice cracking.

Don't try to find me. I'll be long gone before this letter even reaches you. But remember, one day, when you become the Minister of Magic or something equally awesome, I will be so proud of you. Please, don't remember us when we were fighting and when I was being a horrible person. Remember us before dating complicated everything. We were happy, carefree, and innocent. Remember Mione, I will always love you. Tell Draco I said thank you. He will take care of you from now on.


Draco looked up at Hermione. She started crying. Really crying. He pulled her into a hug. That's when Ginny and Harry came rushing in. They were both holding letters. They didn't say anything. Draco held up Hermione's letter silently. Ginny started sobbing. Harry wrapped his arms around her protectively. Both Harry's and Draco's shirts were covered in tears by the time they got the girls calmed down and in bed. They had just decided to all sleep in the Slytherin dorm that night. Afterwards, Draco and Harry went downstairs and had a cup of coffee together. They weren't best friends by a long shot, but they were getting there. The next morning, Hermione and Ginny woke up in a Slytherin dorm by themselves. They put on house shoes and crept downstairs to find their boyfriends. They found Harry and Draco passed out downstairs. Draco was in an armchair and Harry was asleep on the couch. The girls rushed back upstairs and grabbed a Polaroid camera. Quickly, they rushed back downstairs to get a picture of their boyfriends and their budding friendship. After they got a good picture of the boys, they woke them both up. Hermione walked over to Draco and shook his shoulder lightly. He opened his eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist. He quickly pulled her into the armchair with him. Hermione watched in amusement as Ginny threw pillows at Harry's head until he finally sat up. Harry scowled at Ginny. She fake pouted and he immediately kissed her. Draco chuckled along with Hermione. That's when Draco knew that Ginny, Harry, and Hermione would be okay. They had each other. They would eventually get over Ron's absence.

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