Chapter Eleven: Astronomy Tower

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Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger were at Hogsmeade searching for good dresses when they ran into Ron and George. "Ginny." Ron's greeting was less than welcoming. George smiled at Hermione. "Hey Mione! How are you and Draco doing?" George asked, ignoring the glares Ron was sending his way. "We're going great! We're actually here to get dresses for a Graduation Ball!" Hermione said happily. "Who are you going with Gin?" Ginny snorted at George's question. "Harry, obviously." She said with a smirk. "Let's go George." Ron said rather harshly. Hermione couldnt believe him! Here George was battling depression and Ron was snapping at him! "Ron! Don't talk to George like that!" Hermione screeched. Ron rolled his eyes. He tried to grab George's wrist but George jumped away from him. "Get lost Ron." He muttered. He ignored the shocked look on his brother's face and apparated. Ron stared in shock at the place where his brother had once been standing. "This all your fault you disgusting Ferret Lover!" Ron shouted angrily at Hermione before he turned and left. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Come on Mione. Let's go get our dresses." Hermione followed her friend to the nearest dress shop. Finally, they found their dresses. They snuck them into their trunks back at their rooms at Hogwarts so that the boys wouldn't find them. That night, the two couples hung out at the Astronomy tower until well after midnight. They only had two weeks left at Hogwarts and only 13 days until the Graduation Ball. So, they were prepared to do nothing but enjoy it. The Astronomy tower had a gorgeous view. Hermione loved to see the ground from the Astronomy tower. Draco was holding the end of Hermione's T-shirt while she leaned over the railing. Harry was trying his best to guess what Ginny's dress looked like. "Is it red?" Ginny sighed and shook her head. "Is it blue?" Ginny smiled. "Finally!" She said as he guessed the correct color. "Will you please tell me what the dress looks like?" Harry begged pitifully. He gave Ginny his puppy dog eyes. Ginny rolled her eyes at her pitiful boyfriend. "What do you want to do once you graduate, Mione?" Draco asked Hermione casually. She smiled dreamily. "Minister of Magic and I want to live in Godric's Hollow." She said happily. Her eyes looked like she was far away in a little dream world. Draco smiled at her. "What about you, Draco?" Hermione asked with a smile. "I'll go anywhere you want to go, Mione." He whispered. She grinned as a small happy tear rolled down her cheek. "You're the best, Dracie." She said as she rested her head on his chest.

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