Chapter Sixteen: Mine

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It was 7 days until the dance and 8 days until they graduated.

The winter at Hogwarts only stayed for that one day. The next day, it was all gone. Hermione's weekend was over and classes were back. Hermione was sitting in Potions class when she felt a small tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw the guy from the party. He handed her a note.




Hermione snickered and handed the note to Draco, who was her Potions partner. He read the note. Once the Professor had his back turned, Draco turned to Benny, held the note up, and lit it on fire. Hermione giggled as Benny shuddered. He truly was scared of Draco. Draco pointed at Hermione and mouthed, she's mine. Benny nodded and got back to work on his potion. Hermione smiled and elbowed Draco playfully in the ribs. He grinned and kissed her cheek. Then, the Professor turned back around. After class, Draco walked with Hermione to the Library. They sat at their normal table and began reading. They didn't even have anything to study for, they had already finished their NEWTs. Hermione was rereading Of Mice And Men and Draco was reading his new book, Watership Down. Draco had just left to use the restroom when someone plopped into the seat across from Hermione. She didn't pay him any attention. "Hey, beautiful." The boy said slyly. Hermione casually lifted her wand and put a silencing charm on him. The boy, Benny, balked at her angrily. He tried to tell her off but he was silenced. No sounds came out of his mouth. Draco walked in as Hermione laughed at Benny's helpless state. He took one look at Benny's speechlessness and laughed at his surprised expression. Needless to say, Benny didn't mess with Hermione ever again after that. That night, Hermione was reading Little Women in her and Draco's room when a small barn owl flew in through her open window. She got up and grabbed the letter from the little animal.

Dear Hermione,

I hope you are having many pleasant experiences during your last year at Hogwarts, dear! I have good news for you! Ron came back to visit us! He seems...better. But he didn't stay. I hope you can talk some sense into him, darling. Tell Mr. Draco I said Hello.

Molly Weasley

Hermione smiled. Mrs. Weasley was basically her second mother. She passed the letter to Draco as she quickly began writing a reply.

Dear Mrs. Weasley,

I am having an amazing time at Hogwarts! The other day, someone made everything winter on the school grounds! I even went ice skating with Draco, Harry, and Ginny! It was amazing. I hope you are all doing well.


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