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You'd only ever seen this side of him once before, and you didn't like it back then either. So, instead of being a sensible human and calling his brothers or Lord Diavolo, you stood there watching as Belphie beat up the poor demon who asked you out.

"She's mine. Touch her again and I won't be as kind."

The demon stutters a reply before running away as you sigh. There goes my date for today. You're knocked out of your thoughts as you suddenly find yourself on the ground, the Avatar of Sloth hovering over you. His eyes are blazing with anger and jealousy as he kisses you roughly, his hand sliding under your skirt. You moan and pull away.

"Belphie... We're in school..."

"Yes, we are. And I'm going to fuck you right here, where anyone and everyone can hear you scream my name."

2 days ago

The sound of the door to the attic opening wakes you and you instinctively turn away from the sound. The arm around around your waist tightens as Belphie pulls you closer. You smile, nuzzling closer but the demon holds you still.

"Belphie?" You ask, voice muffled.

"... Hold still... I can't fall asleep..."

"Oh, um, okay."

You keep still, feeling the familiar shadow of sleep fall over you. What you didn't know, was that the demon beside you had been shifting for hours, having woken up from a wet dream... With you as the main star.

When you shift closer, body pressing against his, Belphie growls and turns his back to you. Except, your hands on his jacket tighten and a conflicted expression appears on your face. The demon sighs, giving in, drawing you closer with a hand on your hair and an arm around your waist.

"She's going to kill me..."

His gaze drifts towards his twin, the one who opened the door. Beel was looking at them, quietly munching on whatever food he had gotten his hands on. Belphie smiles at his brother before letting sleep take over.

The second time you wake up, you find yourself quite cold. You frown, a groan of discontent slipping past your lips as you open your eyes, sleepily scanning the room. The absence of the Avatar of Sloth from your side deepening your frown.

You raise your arms, stretching as you move to a seating position, then you get off the bed. Arms encircle your waist as a lips ghost over your neck. A gasp leaves your lips even as you let Belphie hug you closer, shivers running through you.

"Why'd you get off the bed, MC?" The questions whispered on your skin makes you bite back a moan.

"I... Mhhhh... I saw you weren't beside me and-"

Stinging pain on your neck makes you stop, a mewl gracing Belphie's ears.

"That's sweet. But I'm still sleepy." He moves to tug on your arm. "Let's go back to bed."

Smiling softly, you nod, giving in to the demon. You think you can almost hear a soft thank you as he slips his hand down to intwine his fingers with yours making your heart beat faster. The two of you were halfway to the bed when the door to the attic bursts open.

"Hey Hey Hey! The Great Mammon has arrived to-OI BELPHIE! WADDYA THINK YA DOIN'?!"

"Oh, great. It's the moron." Belphie mumbles loud enough for you to hear.

Stifling a laugh, you give Belphie's hand a squeeze before turning to face the second born. Mammon wasnt in his normal clothes, instead donning the RAD uniform, a frown on the older demon's face. You gasp, realizing what day it is.

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