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"I don't like feeling this." The newly fallen angel admits, frowning. "But... I don't like seeing others touch you even more."

The fallen angel draws his hand up to clutch your hair, his wings fluttering behind him as he presses his knee between your legs only to find you dripping wet. You moan, unconsciously bucking into his touch but the demon only smirks, one of his tails curling tighter around your wrists as he lowers his head to kiss you. Holy fuck. Released from the chains of his angelic status, Simeon loses all control, slipping his tongue inside your mouth to tangle with yours.

He presses his body against yours, growling softly when fabric meets the bare skin of his chest, carefully maneuvering a clawed finger under your clothes before he pulls. Your clothes come apart, turned to nothing but tatters as Simeon rips the fabric apart, pulling away to lock an arm around your waist before he presses his skin against yours, pulling a silent gasp from your lips.

"You... Don't have to be jealous... It was just... L-Lucifer."

Simeon pauses before his lips on yours turn punishing.

"Moaning another's name while with me? Are you trying to make me mad, MC?"

"Mnnn... No, I-!"

Simeon rocks his body into yours, cutting you off when he trails his mouth to your neck.

"Lucifer was breathtaking as an angel. As a demon, his beauty is even more entrancing, so I have every right to be jealous."

He doesn't give you time to think about his words as he bumps his knee against your clit, greedily sucking on your neck, pulling another moan out of you. The fallen angel releases his tail's hold on your wrists, letting you run your fingers through his hair as he places his hands on your waist. Simeon grins and starts moving you on his knee, pressing harder on your clit with each pass. Shit. You throw your head back, tugging on his silky strands as you try to move away.

Simeon growls, biting into your neck as he presses you harder into the wall, two of his tails moving to wrap around you, effectively keeping you still. You realize your mistake when you feel your knees weaken, belatedly remembering Lucifer's warning about avoiding Simeon's bite and saliva. What was it he said again...?

You really couldn't think with the fallen angel's lips on your skin, his touch feeling all too good especially when he bites down again. Simeon pulls away, eyes gleaming, teeth bared in a smirk and you finally remember. Oh, right. Liquid aphrodisiac. You stiffen. Well. How unfortunate.

A few days ago

The last time you saw Simeon was in the courtyard of RAD, the angel had pulled you away from the others, easily falling into step with you. It was the day before the end of the exchange program and Diavolo has invited the exchange students and the brothers over for a little celebration over the succesful end of the program. It never failed to surprise you how fast time had passed, thoughts of the human realm hardly pasding your mind with all the adventures and experiences you had in the Devildom.

Simeon had pulled you behind a random tree, the angel's gaze in unusually serious as he cornered you against the tree. He had buried his head in your neck, making you gasp at the sudden but welcome action. You had reached out, tangled your hands in his hair as you tried to offer him comfort, not oblivious to the drops of tears that hit your skin.

And then the angel had said something that completely surprised you, something you had been dreaming about. He had buried his head deeper into your neck, whispering about how much he loved you. At that exact moment, your world came together and apart at the same time. You were ecstatic at knowing he loved you the way you loved him but you were heartbroken because you knew he couldn't be with you.

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