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{cuz I don't have the patience to research and I can't figure out how to dedicate to more than one-} @lexiellee, @Selthena, @YourOrdinaryM8, @obeymeshortstories

This is insane. You gasp, struggling against Satan's hands pinning down your wrists as Belphie glances up at you, releasing your clit with a loud pop. Asmo just grins, watching his brother from a chair, his legs crossed elegantly at complete contrast with the feral gleam in his eyes. I shouldn't even be letting them do this... Beel issues a soft growl, gently running his teeth over your nipple as if to prevent you from thinking.

Mammon releases your mouth, a wild grin curling the edge of his lips when a string of saliva glints in the light as he pulls away. His grin soon turns into a scoff as Lucifer grabs hold of your chin, turning your head towards him to kiss you, pushing his tongue between your lips and claiming your mouth. You gasp again as teeth sink into your waist, Levi's orange eyes flashing as he shoves his tail deeper into your pussy.

"Look at you, darling." Asmo says, now standing. "You actually enjoy us taking what we want, hm?"

Lucifer pulls away, a silent order to answer.

"Ye-" You falter, gasping as Belphie takes your clit back in his mouth. "Yes..."

"How cute~ Honestly though, MC, did you really expect we wouldn't know?"

"Bet this is exactly how she wanted." Mammon smirks. "Completely overpowered and under our mercy."

Before you can even open your mouth to reply, Belphie gives a rough suck to your clit as Levi pushes his tail as deep as it can go. You cum with a strangled shout, writhing in their hold as Mammon kisses you again, Lucifer draping hickeys all over your neck as Asmo licks your cheek, somehow appearing beside you. O... Oh, f-fuck. The situation you were in would look so morally wrong... If you actually cared. I can't deny I actually wanted this to happen.

"Oh, darling~" Asmo throws his head back with a soft moan. "You giving in to your lust is so delicious."

"Relax, MC." Satan whispers, teeth teasing your wrist. "Relax and fall into it. Let us take you."

This is insane. You think again. So very insane... So, so wrong... And I could not want this any more.

"Good girl." Lucifer purrs. "Very good girl, MC."

Seven pairs of eyes look at you, each shining a different color, each filled with a different kind of hunger.

"Let us show you what it really means to sin."

A few days (and hours) ago

"You know, when you said outing..." You prop a hand on your hip, turning to glare at Asmo. "I'm pretty sure you said just us."

"Oh? Really? I was quite sure I mentioned inviting my brothers~"

Turning slightly, the Avatar of Lust throws you a wink, linking his arm with yours as he proceeds to drag you to the hotel's common room where his six other brothers were. Belphie, in true him fashion, was dozing openly, head on Beel's shoulder, hugging Levi's Ruri-chan pillow. The Avatar of Envy looked extremely distressed as he tried to pry his beloved pillow from his brother's arms while Mammon was taking advantage of his distracted state to rummage through their bags.

Lucifer, looking all too distressed, had two fingers pressed on his forehead as he kept one eye on his brothers and the other focused on you and Asmo. Satan seemed to be the only one calm, the fourth born's nose buried in a book, a scowl on his lips as he takes his DDD and raises the volume of his music before returning his attention to the book. Jeez. You shake your head, a smile tugging at your lips. They're such dorks.

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