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"Then as a fellow human and the cause, I think I should help you out."

He places his hands on your body and there's a bright flash before you're suddenly naked. A sound halfway between a whimper and a gasp flies out of your mouth as you try to run away. Solomon raises a hand, binds of rope suddenly appearing on your wrists and legs. He moves said hand and you find yourself roped on the bed, completely exposed to the sorcerer's eyes.

Solomon smiles, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes as he watches you struggling against the magical rope. Is he just gonna stand there? As if hearing your thoughts, he walks closer, his hand tipping your chin up. You squirm in his grip, trying to get him to do something, anything to help, but he only traces a symbol on your skin, murmuring.

There's a faint burn before a glowing pentagram appears on your skin. You state at it, then back at him as he laughs, stepping back once again. Your eyes follow him, aware of his every movement but when he starts stripping, you look away. I'm acting like I haven't seen a naked body before.

"If you're wondering what that was for, it's so you can take some magical damage. I'm not certain I'll be able to hold back."

He looks at you, a wicked grin on his face that reminds you of Asmo.

"It's my turn to help now."

A few hours ago

You were out with Satan and Asmo today, instead of helping Solomon with his magic again. The three of you were sitting in a cat cafe, the cats all gathering where Satan sat. Some of them wondered towards you and one was on your lap but none of them went near Asmo.

You had gotten a drink Solomon had suggested when he heard you were going to said cat cafe. Right now, Satan was covered in cats while Asmo pouted about them not being near him. You were calmly watching the two, taking sips from your drink.

"You've been getting closer to Solomon lately."

Satan's words made you choke.

"I-What?Haha, no I'm not... Why- I mean," You put down your drink and try for nonchalant. "Sure. He needs help with his magic sometimes."

"And what kind of help do you give him~?" Asmo grins.

You feel your face heat up and you slap Asmo's arm.

"Not that kind of help."

You practically hiss the words enticing a laugh out of the two demons. Satan puts down a cat that somehow climbed up to his head and was now dangling in front of his eyes. It surprisingly pads towards Asmo and you turn to see him staring deeply into its eyes.

Both you and Satan stifle a laugh at the fact that the Avatar of Lust had to charm a cat for it to approach him. You kick him under the table which breaks his focus. The cat lets out a yowl before it moves to your lap, digging its claws in. Then, your DDD dings. You stroke its fur as you open the device, Solomon's name making your heart skip a beat.

'Hello, MC.'
'How's the cat cafe?'
'Did you get the drink I told you about?'

Asmo peers at your screen, a grin immediately on his face as he winks at you.

'Of course, Sol. You told me I'd like how it tastes and I love it.'
'The cats are mostly with Satan and none of them are approaching Asmo.'

You send a photo of the cats on your lap. A check mark appears, informing you that he's seen the picture. Solomon starts to type before the typing symbol disappears and reappears again. This happens a few more times before it disappears and doesn't reappear again. A pout forms on your lips.

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