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{this took so long sorry... Love Unholyc has me so-}

"Asmo." He growls.

The mentioned demon pulls away from your lips, looking down to meet his brother's eyes before he nods, pulling out of your ass. Mammon takes his place on your lips, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth, gently running his teeth over it. You whine softly, squirming against their hold to try and get them to move, only pulling smirks and low chuckles from them. Cocky bastards. All that talk about fucking me-

"Patience, darling." Asmo cuts your thoughts off. "We don't want to break you too early~"

"T-Too... Early?"

Your breath suddenly catches in your throat as you feel both of their cocks pressing against you.

"We wanted ya to be ready to take us both, MC... And I know you are. " Mammon leans closer, whispering in your ear. "I bet your pussy is wet enough for both of us to just... Slip. Right. In."


The sorcerer had been feeling bored recently and decided to check in on you, only to see something quite surprising and amusing. Solomon shoots you a glance, his eyebrow raised as he watches you drape yourself over Mammon's lap, the demon ending up sputtering as he blushes. You shoot the sorcerer a grin, nuzzling deeper into the second born's neck, humming softly. Mammon immediately gathers you closer, holding you tighter in a very obvious show of his sin.

The two of you stay like that for a while, the demon holding you possessively as you thoroughly enjoyed his affection. Only one thing, one demon, is missing. You sigh, about to shut your eyes when a familiar voice catches your ears, the melodious laugh affirming exactly who it was.

"Mammon." You mumble. "Can you let me go for a sec?"

"Just don't be gone for too long, yeah? I-It's not like I liked holdin' ya or anythin'..."

You laugh, patting his chest before you leave his lap, a pout hovering on the demon's lips as he watches you leave. As soon as you're out of sight, you search for Asmo again, quickly finding him surrounded by succubi who were very clearly flirting with him. A scowl makes it's way to your face, watching as one of them touches his arm flirtatiously.

Oh, no you don't. You walk towards them, sneaking around to come up to Asmo from behind. Giggling softly, you tiptoe and cover his eyes with your hands, gasps ringing out at your bold move. Asmo only hums happily, placing his hands around your wrists before he turns around, a breathtaking smile on his face.

"MC~ I knew it was you." He leans forward and boops your nose. "Only you would have such soft skin... After mine, of course."

You smile, catching the eye of the demon who had so boldly touched your demon and place a kiss on the edge of his lips.

"Definitely soft." You say as an excuse, smirking inwardly.

"Oh, you little vixen."

This time your laugh is truly genuine, your peripheral vision catching the succubus rolling her eyes. You grin, knowing you had done what you intended to and pull Asmo into a hug, letting him quickly enough that he wasn't able to pull you into something definitely not appropriate for all those eyes.

Leaning on a wall, shadowed enough to hide his figure, it finally became clear to Solomon. The brothers are right. MC is quite an interesting human, a bold one too, to flirt with two demon Lords. You pass him, hardly noticing as the smirking sorcerer mumbles a spell, a glowing mark disappearing into your bare neck as he finishes. This will cure my boredom.

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