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Mammon smirks, his eyes glowing yellow, as if the mere thought made him amused. The demon pulls you closer using the leather choker, his fingers grazing the skin of your neck. You silently gasp, your body now leaning towards Mammon, your lips barely inches away from his lips.

The Avatar of Greed smirks and dips his head to drape wet kisses all over your neck. You bite your lip, desperately trying to stop the sounds from escaping your mouth, hoping your lack of sound would discourage the demon. You should've known better. Mammon sinks his teeth into your skin hard enough to draw blood and you gasp at the pain.


"That's more like it." He pulls away, only to draw his lips up to your ear. "Keepin' in your moans only make me want to hear 'em even more."

His hands slip under the leather skirt you wore for today, fingers immediately drawing a loud moan from you.

"That's it. Tell the whole studio who you've been so greedy to get your hands on."

"Mammon..." You moan.

"Ya really are greedy for me."

Mammon suddenly pushes you, making you lie down on the sofa. He smirks as you immediately spread your legs for him, settling in between your hips. The demon tears at your clothes, the fabric falling away to reveal your skin. He attacks your bare skin, leaving marks all over before he moves lower until his mouth eventually places a kiss on your pussy.

"I'm gonna make sure your pussy's wet enough for me before I fuck you."

Your breath hitches at his words and the wicked smirk on his lips.

"Keep yourself still and quiet for me, will ya?"

A few hours earlier

"You're going out with him again?" Asmo asks, obvious surprise in his voice.

You sigh, knowing that would be his exact reaction didn't really help when faced with it. The younger demon suddenly smiles and pulls open your closet, motioning you over to the vanity.

"I'll at least make sure you look as ravishing as possible."

Oh, I knew it. You groan.

"Asmo, I'm only going with him to watch him model. I'm not modeling with him."

The Avatar of Lust smirks, as if he knew something you didn't, and waves away your complaint. In his hands are two dresses, both equal parts revealing and tight. With a sigh, your shoulders slump and you nod reluctantly.

When Asmo finishes with you, you looked way too good to be just a tag along for Mammon's photo shoot. The black leather popped against your skin, the black choker Asmo threw at you now hanging around your neck, the downwards arrow glinting in the light. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought Asmo was matching me with Mammon. You frown and try to pull down your top that was already halfway up your ribs.

Asmo slaps away your hands, a frown on his face as he gives you a stern glare. Oh, fine. I just hope Mammon won't think I'm trying to seduce him. You give up trying to make the outfit more conservative, grabbing your phone and waving a goodbye to Asmo as you exit your room.

The moment Mammon sees you, he scowls. I fucking knew I shouldn't have worn this. Then, he notices your hesitation and he smiles, throwing his jacket around your shoulders as soon as you got close enough. Surprised, you murmur a thank you, reveling in the scent of his cologne.

"Ya ready?"

"I'm not the one modeling." You giggle.

"Ah, there's somethin' I need to tell you-"

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