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"Do you know how mad it made me to see you all dressed up for someone other than me?"


The Avatar of Wrath meets your gaze, his eyes fully green as they glitter with anger. The sight makes you shiver and you squirm against his hold, only to freeze as he growls, pressing his head back on your neck. You gasp as he nips at your skin, the action much rougher than usual. I may have pushed him a bit too much.

"Do you know how hard it was to hold back from dragging you away just so I could have my way with you?"

The words are almost a low hiss, the husky undertone telling you how close he was to losing control.

"I've never been the possessive type... But with you, I need to have you all to myself." His voice is almost pained. "Do you have any idea what you do to me, MC?"

From somewhere within you, you pull up enough courage to speak.

"... No, I don't." You meet his gaze, a challenge hidden in yours. "Why don't you show me?"

Satan's eyes flash at your words, before his lips curl up in a smirk as he pulls away slightly. The next thing you know, you're pressed against the wall, his tail wrapped tightly around your waist, one quick swipe of his claw has your clothes falling apart. You moan as he sinks his teeth in your back, biting down hard enough for it to bleed.

He calmly laps up your blood, before pulling his attention to your neck, leaving bites and hickeys wherever he could reach. One of his hands tangle itself in your hair, pulling hard enough for you to arch your head back, a sharp gasp slipping past your lips at the pain. His free hand slips downwards, thumb rubbing your clit as he eases his fingers inside you.

"You want me to show you? Do you, MC?"

Another tug on your hair has you gasping, stuttering a reply.

"Y-Yes... Yes. Please. Satan..."

"I can't deny my girlfriend her simple request, now, can I?"

His tone is teasing as he pulls his hand away from your pussy, the wet digits hovering over your mouth.

"Open." Satan growls, groaning when you immediately comply. "Good girl. Stay still for me, alright? I won't be able to show you otherwise."

The demon's green eyes narrow with lust and you almost let out a moan at the intensity. Yeah... I did push him too far...

A few days ago

Satan was acting distant and you had no idea why. Of course, the first thought would be if it was because of Lucifer. Or, that was until breakfast, where Satan seemed to be interacting normally with everyone but you. Then, you started thinking if it was, perhaps, your fault.

However, try as hard as you might, you could not find a single reason. Sure, he might've been annoyed by your constant need for his affection or how you always seem to randomly borrow his things... And then, you realise how most of the things you do could have annoyed him and an unwelcome thought enters your head. He... He couldn't be tired of me... Right?

Of course, the thought was probably not true but with your boyfriend acting all distant all of a sudden, you couldn't exactly be sure. At this point, the two of you hardly interacted, with Satan acting cold and you bothered by the very unlikely chance he was tired of you, it wouldn't be long until you didn't interact at all.

The brothers noticed, of course they would, especially since Satan never quite left you alone before, always showing up when the brothers got too close for comfort. Now, he didn't even slide his gaze towards you, completely ignoring everything. Asmo and Levi, the two brothers who you've been gushing to when you and their brother started dating, were concerned for you.

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