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"I'm... Sorry...?"

The grin on Barbatos' face was now positively malicious, his fingers drifting over your lips.

"We invited you over..." Diavolo nips at your ear. "... Because we wanted you."

You open your mouth to speak, to try and make sense of things, but the Royals don't let you, Barbatos lifting you higher as Diavolo finally kisses you, his kiss much more rough and demanding than you imagined. With a soft moan, you give in, letting him practically devour your mouth.

He pulls away, only to immediately latch onto your nipple, grazing his fangs against it as you moan, your eyes snapping shut as you fall into Barbatos' touch. The butler drapes biting kisses across your neck, creating a trail as he moves lower, lower until his tongue flicks at your clit.

You gasp, eyes flying open and you turn your head in time to see his wicked grin before he dives into your pussy. Literally. His tongue laps at your clit as his tail plunges into your heat, the separate ends making motions that had you screaming in seconds.

Not one to be outdone, Diavolo now moves his full attention to your neck, easily locating all your weak spots as his hands play with your breasts. It was almost too much, or so that's what you thought until Barbatos gently bites down on your clit, biting with enough pressure to push you right over the edge. You cum screaming their names, your vision going white as your body shook with the intensity of your orgasm.

"How does she taste, old friend?"

"Better than I imagined."

You open your eyes, lids heavy with desire, only to see Barbatos pulling his tail out of his mouth, his fingers, wet with your juices, extended towards the Demon Prince. Diavolo looks you dead in the eyes as he takes his friend's fingers and sucks on them, an approving groan escaping him. That... That's too hot. The thought is accompanied by you trying to rub your legs together. The demons chuckle.

"I believe we've prepared you enough." Diavolo says, pulling off his shirt.

"She's had both of us in her before, sire... Even if it was at different times." Barbatos too was stripping, his tail aiding in the action.

The two finally pull off their last article of clothing, then, they're back on you, shivers running through you at their bare skin pressed on yours.

"Then, it's time."

The two wore matching grins, each looking extra malicious.

"This time..." Diavolo murmurs against your lips.

"You'll take both of us." Barbatos says, gently wrapping his hand around your neck.

Holy fucking shit.

A few weeks ago

"BOTH of them?!" Mammon almost screeched the words into your ear.

"Yes, Mammon, both of them." You shoot him a glare, rubbing at your ear.

Behind him stood Asmo, the pink haired demon looking as exasperated as you felt, his glare burning hotter into his brother's back. Mammon only waves it away and places his hands on your shoulders, a serious expression on his face.

"Look, MC. I'd get Di-Lord Diavolo but Barbatos?"

He shoots you a confused look.

"He looks like he could kill in his sleep!"

"Exactly what makes him appealing."

Now, the look on the demon's face was of pure horror as he gently lets go of your shoulders, moving to sit beside you. Asmo finally removes his eyes from his brother and looks at you, grinning as he holds up an envelope.

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