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The demon quiets you with a kiss, a loud growl leaving Levi's lips as he shoves his tongue back into your mouth, orange eyes dark with envy as his grip on your waist tightens possessively. You can't hold back your moan, the sound muffled sound making the demon's lips quirk up in a smirk. Levi was hardly one to take control and a part of you couldn't wait to see just what the demon would do to you while under the strong influence of his sin.

The demon tugs you away from the door, keeping his lips firmly pressed against yours for a moment longer before he pulls away and tosses you into the water. Before you can even regain your footing, Levi pulls you back to him, wrapping his tail around your waist as he slowly back you up against the wall of the pool. He easily turns you, bending you over the edge of the pool as he brushes your hair aside, mouth already sucking on the skin of your shoulder.

"I can't believe you. You're supposed to be my partner."

"Levi... Levi, wait-"

"Do you know how happy I was when I saw you actually came? Then, you danced with Solomon."

He growls, claws slicing through your dress, making it fall off in tatters.

"It-It isn't like that." You gasp. "I was-I just wanted to... Get back at you..."

Your reply seems to calm the demon somewhat, his tail's grip on your waist loosening just a bit as he moves his lips to your neck and suddenly bites down, pulling a scream from your throat as he sinks his fangs deep into your skin, making you writhe at the pain. Levi doesn't waver, moving the tip of his tail down to press hard against your clit, pushing two fingers inside you to stroke the walls of your pussy. The enslaught of sensations makes you surprisingly sensitive and the demon is easily able to bring you close to the edge, only to stop right when you were about to cum.

"You wanted to get back at me, right?" Levi coos, pulling his fangs from your skin. "Now, it's my turn."

A few hours ago

Levi's been acting really weird lately and you've been trying to figure out why. For days now, whenever you and the third born were together, he'd act all strange while fumbling with something in his hands. Late last night, he had paused the game in the middle of his raid and turned to you with a blush.

"Um, M-MC. A-Are you free the day after tomorrow?"

You had already been looking at him, confused that he'd paused his game, but now you were even more perplexed.

"Yea, why?"

"I just, I, um... T-There's this thing... And I wanted to..." Levi looked down at something in his hands before shaking his head. "N-Nevermind."

After that perplexing incident, he had gone straight back to his game, putting whatever was in his hands back in his pocket. You were left confused, trying to think about what exactly he had wanted to say and why he felt like he couldn't say it. Of course, you never did get around to asking him, what with Lucifer calling you to his study after finding out that you had ditched classes with Levi.

Its not like you could ask him today either, considering you hadn't seen him at breakfast, or at RAD, or even in his room. Where could he be? Sighing softly, you head back to your room, but when you pass by the kitchen, you catch sight of purple hair, making you stop and glance back. Levi stood in the middle of the kitchen, wearing a familiar orange hoodie, the third born stares at something on the counter. Hold on, is that my hoodie?

"Argh! I really want to ask her but what if she says no?" Levi groans, raising his hands to cover his face. "Right... Who would even want to go with someone like me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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