☕︎ ︎S.I.N.G.L.E ☕︎︎

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SAISY!!!!!! XD fluff!!!!

Sean P.O.V
Okay so im kinda angry right now cause its the middle of the year and i dont have a gf! My whole music club has a gf jake is with hailey zander is with luke and milly is with elliot and i dont know what to do! I like somone but im not sure if she wont like me back... "hey sean" oh its daisy what a perfect timing my crush is here oh hey need somthing? I say um would u like to go to my house after school? Oh sure I say trying to sound calm but I could tell she was blushing but I didn't think of it as much


Sean! Daisy called out when I was talk to the music club for next practice after daisy called after me Jake elbowed me and said "date huh" from that comment I just blushed and was shock hailey came and grabbed him by the hand and pulled him to walk each other home and because hailey didn't what jake to interfere "enyway let's go daisy!" I said happily "ok" she said with a warm smile she we reached her house she stopped and said "lets go in!" ok i say happily when we got into her room she stopped... I was kinda confused why we stopped "do u know why i told u to come to my house?" "no i said should i know?" now im really confused "well i couldnt do it at school to i have to say it at my house... I LOVE YOU!" I was blushing and shocked at that response "...well i like you to daisy.. Will u be my gf?.." of course! "  i smiled at her and kissed her and i kissed her back..... And that the story hows i became her gf!


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