☯︎︎Enemies become friends..or somthing more?..☯︎︎

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Sorry that im in love with crack ships. SO HERE ARE THE SHIPS
henry x luke
Drew x zander
Milly x liam

"OKAY GUYS I GOT THE BEST IDEA!" jake says with a birght smile "what ever it is i dont wanna be apart of you crazy plan." zander says "lets here him out zander" luke saod "okay fine you got 1 minute." zander says rolling his eyes "so i was wondering if wanna hang out with my friends? Jake says "no." all of them say "HERE MY OUT GUYS THEY PORMISED THEY WOULD BE NICE TO YOU!" jake said "whats the catch." zander says "there is none i just had to bribe them" jake says "im not doing it." hailey says "okay" jake says "same" zander says "no can do" jake said looking at zander "why!?! You let hailey!" zander says "thays because i dont want her simping over anyone else" jake says "looks like fun im in" milly says exitingly "me to" luke says "..fine ill go." zander says "okay we got our canidates!" jake says with exitment "so meet me at the park at 5" jake says "okay" all three of them say

"we're here."zander saying tagging along milly and luke "okay so I'm going to pare you you guys and then you have to hang out!" Jake says "you sound like a elementary couch." Zander growls "nah nah now Zander your with drew" Jake says pointing at Zander then drew they were both annoyed my the pare "Luke and Henry" Jake said Luke walked to Henry and smiled he was happy to meet now friends but Henry why cool with it to surprisingly "now Milly and Liam" Jake said "you know you look hot how about we go on a date just you and me" Liam winks . after Milly upper cuts him "OUCH!" Liam says "don't flirt." Milly says "okay okay fine " Liam says still hurting from the pain

"so. Classical music concert?" Drew said hold out two tickets "YES! I mean um sure." Zander said trying to keep his cold side on "let go I guess" drew says walking to a Limo "really dude?" Zander said unamused "what?!" Drew says "you really have to have a fancy car?" Zander said annoyingly "what do you wanna do then walk?!?" Drew says Zander goes to his bike the was a teal one with a golden bicycle bell he gets on and says "get on its a 3 seater" Zander says "I'm not going in that!" Drew says stubbornly "get on or I'll leave you." Zander rolled his eyes "fine." Drew says he gets in the seat and holds on to Zander's waist "what the heck?!?" Zander says surprisingly "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO BALANCE ON NOTHING AND FALL?!?" drew says sarcastically "I can't believe I'm paired up with your stubborn ass." Zander sighs "stfu your salty." Drew says "fine.grab one to my waist just this once." Zander rolls his eyes at Drew "thanks." Drew says

"are you done?" Milly says "what do you expect?! You literally uppercut me!?!" Liam says "it wasn't even thats hard. Are you gonna be a baby the whole time and hang out with me?" Milly says "okay okay fine wanna go to the arcade?" Liams says standing back up "sure let's walk a arcade is not so far from here" Milly says "oh okay let go" Liam says walking to the side walk after a couple steps they spot a ice cream stand "ICE CREAM!!!" Milly says "I'll get you one my treat" Liam says "thanks" Milly says walking to the ice cream stand "I'll take a strawberry" Liam says "I'll take a rocky road!" Milly says excitingly "sure kids" a old lady's says and gets their ice cream "mmmm!" Milly says Milly says gobbling you the ice cream "THAT FAST?!?" Liam says he could see she was a mess Liam rooked a napkin and whipped her face "STOP ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE IT A "EVERY KOREAN DRAMA EVER?!?" Milly says shoving Liam "my stomach owwwww" Liam says "such a cute couple!" The old lady says "no ma'am we aren't dating" Liam says "oh I used to do that with my husband when I was younger always hitting him when I actually had feelings for him" the old lady says "oh well we aren't dating you just have a misunderstanding" Liam says "oh sorry then I'm old those memories come back to me time to time" the old lady says "oh it's fine we'll be on our way now!" Milly says "kids these days are so oblivious" the old lady smiles


"So wanna go to a cake shop? I always wanted to try it!" Luke says "sure" Henry says with a small smile "let's go we'll walk!" like says "I don't like walking" Henry groaned and with a lazy position "you can get in my back!" Luke says smiling "huh?! I mean..fine" Henry signed and got onto likes back "ON WORD!" henry pointed like a captian "AYE AYE CAPTAIN!" luke said with a smile and playing along "slow down soldier!" henry said "oh im a soldier now? Okay then YES SIR!" luke said chuckling after "i...." henry looks at luke "whats wrong captain?" luke says "N-nothing! On word!" henry says

"were finally here! I didnt want to make interaction with a human grape!" drew snarles "its like you think i didnt want to be in the same position!" zander glares at him "whatever.lets just go inside the concert is almost going to start." drew rolles his eyes "tickets sir?" and tall mal says with a black and white suit "here" drew says "thanks welcome tk the concert boys" the other guys says and lets them in "why is everyone waving their hands around?" drew says "i met its a sad classical song i cant belive your this dumb." Zander rolls his eyes "can you shut up for one minute?" Drew says "fine." Zander says "come in there is a path way into the front row" drew says holding zanders hand to leading him to the front row "i.." zander starts to say but forgets what to say with the loss of words "here stay here we will watch from here" drew says "okay." Zander says after the first song some more people came in more , more , and more.. to make it crowded "OW! STUPID MUCH?!?" Zander shouts at a person "sir if you keep screaming at people you will get executed" a women in a black and white suit said "we're going to get in trouble because of you!" Drew whisper yells and Zander "not my fault." Zander avoids eye contact with drew then someone randomly pushes Zander into drew to make them both fall to the ground like two dominos "...." both of them were silent "I-" Zander was about to scream at the person but drew stopped him "stop we already have 1 warning don't make it two." Drew says putting the whisper symbol on sanders lips.

"We are here! Milly says "yup! Let's go in!" Liam says when they came in Milly spotted a game "look it's a two player game wanna play? I bet I can beat ya" Milly smirked and ran to the game "your on!" Liam catches up with Milly in the middle of the game Milly was winning. Liam needed a distraction. Flirting "hey sexy your cute and I'm cute we would be cuter together" Liam smirked surprisingly it works and Liam won the game "I hate you!" Milly says in frustration "no you don't you love me and it's your fault you fell for it" Liam says with a smirk the same smirk thay Milly got when she ran up to the game "you got it all wrong I hate you!" Milly said "you said I love you wrong" Liam smirks "ugh."  Milly says "tsundere.." Liam whispers behind his back

With Luke and Henry :
"Those cakes were yummy in my tummy! Henry says after eating a key lime pie "glad you liked it I always wanted to go here but I didn't have the time" Luke smiles at him "okay guys! Here is the bill!" The waiter says handing them the bill "I forgot to bring my wallet.." Henry sighed "it's fine I'll pay" Luke says with a smile "how can he smile when paying? Is he rich or something?" Henry thinks "thanks I guess.." Henry says hiding his blush "it's fine let's go" Luke says "yeah.." Henry follows

And so all in the end they all say :
"Hey Liam?..can I have your number? To text you."
"Drew. Can I have your number I want to see how annoying you are.."
"Hey Luke? Can I have your number?..I just had a fun time today"

"So..how did spying go on the hangouts?...." Jake says

Hope you like it this is for 8k and see ya in the next oneshot :)).

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