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Milliot! :).
If you don't know what it says on the top it says "your the most beautiful flower in my garden.." NOW TO THE ONE SHOT

Milly and Elliot were in the garden taking care of flowers and removing weeds "hey Elliot do you know any languages? "Yup! I only know Chinese and English though!" "Oh cool I know Spanish and English!" Milly said! "I'll say somthing in Spanish and you say something in Chinese!" Milly says "oh! Sure" he smiles "me first!" Milly says exitingly "te amé desde el día que nos conocimos" ( I liked you since the day we met) Milly says "so what did you say?" Elliot says confused "OH um I really like food!" "Oh cool my turn! "你是我花园里最美丽的花.." "sooooo what did you say!" Milly asks in interest "your the most beautiful flower in my garden!" Milly turns bright red "What?!" "Yup!" Elliot smiles and goes back to fixing the flowers "hey Elliot?" "Hm?" He answers "I love you." "...."


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