💐ʟɪғᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴊᴀᴋᴇ.🔪

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Jailey angst
Hailey angst

It was a normal day in alabama high school until this phone call changed haileys whole life..."where is he!?!" zander says "hes later then usual..." hailey says in worry "dont worry hailey hes probaly doing something important.." Luke pats Hailey on the back "yeah hes probaly coming right now" sean says trying to comfort Hailey "BUZZ!!!" that sound affect came from her bronze phone "Are you the girlfriend of jake starling?" someone unknown said in a roboty but with a sympathy tone in his voice "yes?..." hailey said confused about why a unknown number was calling her "well sorry to inform you but Mr.Starling died 1 hour ago in the hospital he got hit my a blue toyota car..charges have been payed for the medical bill." The unknown man says that's when Hailey dropped her phone and started to cry in horror and fear "HAILEY!?! WHAT HAPPEN DID JAKE BREAK UP WITH YOU!?!" zander shouts rushing over to her trying to Leo her stop crying "no thats not it..." hailey sobs in pain over and over again "Hailey!..What is it?, I'm your best friend i don't want to see you hurt!" milly said rushing over at her to her side while she was still subbing in pain "its jake..." hailey says    trying to stop sobbing for a moment "WHAT HAPPEND WITH HIM I SWEAR ILL HURT HIM IF HE HURT YOU!" Zander said with a furious rage in his eyes he never wanted to see Hailey crying "calm down zander its probably not big right Hailey?.." Luke said looking at Hailey on her knees crying her eyes out still "he died one hour ago." Hailey said and cry's more and more, while the whole room went silent "WHAT?!" Zander said "WHERE IS HE?!??" Zander said ,Zander knows under all the bad thing he said about Jake he still cares about him "Oh my gosh?!, Hailey are you ok?!?" Milly said trying to cry as well Jake was like a brother figure to her , he was the reason she didn't keep beating up people.."let's talk about this Hailey.." Luke said "practice is over early..." Hailey said in a depressed tone still sniffling and whipping her tears on her striped sweater "Hailey..." Sean said while Hailey leaves the door "imma go..." Milly said people could see a tear fall from her eye "same.. imma see if the others are ok..." Luke said with sort of disappointment and sadness when Jake died "I'm just going to go home.." Sean said and went in couple of tears "why... why jake?!?" Zander said sadly "why did you leave."  Zander said in disappointment putting his head down as he was the last one who left the room.

All of the music club were depressed about jakes death... Hailey was wearing jakes hoodie which he gave to Hailey on their first date, she still cried when ever she wore it and sometimes she smiles then it quickly turns into a frown ,Zander had been talking to no one even Luke. He's still sad about jakes death, Milly she ignored zoey when ever she tried to bully her or anyone else Luke was kind of sad but he always said to him self to keep him head up so it was so hard.. but it still did it even though Sean was trying to keep every one happy of coarse she wants everyone to be happy before him... "why are you freaks so sad?." Drew said while the music club were walking to the club room "well I don't know if you know but jakes dead." Zander said sadly and with a frustrated tone and growled at the trio. "what?.." Henry said "ya he's dead he died in the hospital yesterday." Hailey said with a straight face trying not to cry


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