☁︎︎𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎.☁︎︎

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Henry x Leah

"Flowers my lady?" Henry holds out yellow bright sunflowers that he picked from his grandpas garden for this special for this occasion he waited 4 years for this final thing a date with Leah they were in collage and Leah finally said yes for a date with henry we was about to give up cause his grades and when he was about the graduate but she finally said he's he was exited with a bright smile on his face Leah wanted him on a date cause he got much more taller but she surprisingly only cared about personality and gave up on the looks part on the first year of collage now who can't say no when Henry looks like Leah's favorite anime character "of coarse.." Leah smile at him slightly and laughs slightly when he bows "you don't have to be that fancy you know?" Leah says still smiling on a cloudy day "well I waited 4 years for this so why couldn't I be exited?" Henry Walks with hands in his pockets "okay so where's the awesome date you told me about?" Leah asks as she follows Henry and catches up "well good thing we're here" Henry puts some bushes out of the way to show a cliff that actually looks stable and a white creme cloth and a picnic basket with a rose scented candle

"wow.." Leah's eyes widened "I'm just gonna say it now.. I'm the best at dates" Henry smirked "well prove it"Leah said "well jake did some random concert for Hailey with a huge crowd , drew had a date with zoey and he did a weird luxury restaurant no one wants that crap they have some random sauce and vegetables and that's it. Liam did a beach with Samantha it wasn't that bad but that's so unoriginal." Henry says "well we could argue or do you wanna start the date?" Leah laughs "Oh! I forgot about that! Sure" Henry says Henry walk to Leah who was already sitting on the white cloth

"so.. sandwich?" Henry says "sure!" Leah says with a smile "what drink?" Henry says "hm sparkling water!" Leah answers "what you you eating?" Leah says "Oh! same thing but Pepsi" Henry smiles "okay so what happened to your friends?" Leah says "what about them?" Henry questions "well I heard you aren't hanging out with them in the past 2 weeks?" Leah asks concerned "well I was planing our date of coarse!" Henry said "You don't have to miss hanging out with friends just for our date Henry.." Leah says "it's fine I can hang out with them always but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity" Henry says Leah blushes slightly when she see's something "AH! ANTS!" Leah said they were eating all the food and carrying little bit of their sandwich

"hey! That's ours bud!" Henry says "it's fine Henry let's get another spot and do something else for our date.." Leah said Henry exhaled his breath and stood up and lended a hand for Leah "thanks!" Leah said

While they were walking to find another spot Henry wasn't him self  "what wrong?.." Leah said "well.. I planned so much for this and I waited 4 years for this date and it got ruined by some ants.." Henry said "it's fine this experience will be never be forgotten without that perfect date" Leah smiles at him "your right I guess..." suddenly Leah spots a hill "ah! There! Leah says "what about it? It's some random hill" Henry says confused "just follow me dummy." Leah says "whatever you say" Henry said and chases after her after they got to the hill Leah lays on the grass and pats the spot next to her

"I.. still don't get it." Henry says "you'll see." Leah says when he sits on the group with Leah he sees different shapes of clouds "wow.. this is better than that date I planned even when you make this date out of no where" Henry says "well thanks it was just a idea" Leah says and looks back at the beautiful clouds "so was your idea cloud gazing?" Henry says "Yup!" Leah says "well you are really good this is the most beautiful this I've seen who knew some tiny water droplets could make beautiful shapes.." Henry said "yup.." Leah says and looks at Henry when he's mesmerized by the cloud she blushes and smiles and him in delight

"Oooo! That looks like a duck and that one looks like a fish! And that one looks like a..cloud." Henry says Leah laughs how he looks like a kid and brings her memories when her dad used to take her cloud gazing he always had imagination to make anything with clouds like when they saw feathered clouds he said it looked like the sea "so you enjoying?" Leah says with a smile "yup thanks Leah you really know how to make me feel better.." Henry says looking into Leah's walnut brown eyes he suddenly leans closer to her Leah was shocked but then she got calmed and knew who she was kissing the one who chased her after that mean case in high school he always stood by her side... so she returned the favor to Henry by kissing him when they let go he was shocked "wow.. well it was worth the years..." Henry says with a smile forming on his face

Leah got flustered after what Henry said he laughed a little bit and went closer to Leah and put a arm around her and kept looking at cloud when Leah realized what's happening she smiles at Henry and looks back at the sky after that passionate kiss.. "second date?.." Henry says  "I was think for something better than that.." Leah looks at Henry "what?" Henry said "Henry summers? Will you be my boyfriend?" Henry got surprised about what she just said "okay corse Leah smith.." Henry said with a smile and kisses her once more


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