🌂 Why? 🌂

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Henry x Leah angst 

 Kinda Henry x Liam 

Henry POV 

I'm home mom! I say proudly as I walk in "oh hey honey! Dinner will be soon!" She says as I walk to my room I think to text Leah! 

Henry : 

Hey Leah! 

                              Leah : 

                              Henry um I don't want to talk to you.. well your pretty annoying and you keep getting in the way of stuff so can you please stop bothering me? 

Henry : 

Oh.. sure Leah anything for you! 

                                                                 Leah: ugh well bye Henry 

I was heart broken did I spend all this time to get heart broken sure she did say mean things but this was just mean.. why do I love her? She doesn't love me and she hates me.. I think I should stop.

Hey sup dude! Liam calls at me 

Where's drew? I say confused 

He's with his gold digger gf he chuckles slightly 

I blush is this the first time I realized his laugh was cute? 

"Y-ya we should catch up to him" I say 

"You ok dude? Ur really red are you sick or something?" 

"Ya I'm fine don't worry" I say 

"If you say so.." Liam says worryingly 

"DREW!" Liam calls 

I can see him zoey and ... Leah 

"Oh hey" he says 

"Oh great.." hear Leah say under hear breath 

"Let go drew we don't want to be late for science" I say trying to ignore Leah 

"Oh? Ok" I guess they got used to me flirting with leah all the time their confused 

Suddenly I  feel a hand on my back..

"Henry? Why didn't you try to flirt with me?" Leah says 

"Look Leah I don't wanna talk to you. your pretty and all but even you makeup can't fix your bad personality Leah and fuck off." 

I walk away confident but inside I feel scared about what they Liam and drew will say

"WAIT HENRY!" they both say 

"Yeah?" Well guess it is no friends for me 

"THAT WAS SO COOL!" Liam says "YOU ROASTED HER HARD!" Liam says adding 

"Ya that was sick" drew says 

I smile "thanks guys.."

"Let go!" Liam says 

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